The Merge Users tool allows the CES Administrator to merge two user accounts into a single user account. The source user account will be merged into the destination user account. Only the source and destination usernames need to be provided. This tool will not create user accounts so both usernames must already exist in Course Evaluations & Surveys before you can use the Merge Users tool.
When using the Merge Users tool, First Name, Last Name, Username, Email, Status, and enrollments of the destination user account will be retained, while the role(s), enrollments, and user metadata of the source user account will be added to the destination user account.
NOTE: Once user accounts are merged the source user account will be deleted and only the destination user account will remain. This action cannot be undone.
Operational Steps
As the CES Administrator, navigate to Account > Users. There you will see a "Merge Users" icon in the upper left.
Selecting “Merge Users” option opens a Merge Users page with instructional text. The Merge User feature is accomplished by uploading a .CSV file that you either create or you can download the sample file at the bottom of this page.
The file must be a .CSV file and must contain the following headers:
- SourceUsername
- DestinationUsername
NOTE: The Source Username is the wrong username and the Destination Username is the correct username. After the merge is complete the Source Username will be deleted, and only the Destination Username will remain with the Source Username merged into it.
NOTE: The system will validate if the file is a .CSV file and will check to see if the file has the correct headers. If either of these are incorrect, you will receive an error message and must fix the file or headers before trying again.
Once the .CSV file has been created with the correct headers, click Browse and locate the file on your computer. Once located, click Upload. You will receive a confirmation box.
Once you click OK, the system will begin processing the Merge Users file. You can check the status of the Merge User by clicking the bell in the upper right of Course Evaluations & Surveys to show the Notifications.
When user clicks on Notification link for further details a ‘Click Here’ text link is provided. Clicking on text link downloads a spreadsheet with a row for each user account merged and status.