This administrator role allows you to create an administrator who can only author surveys. This may be helpful if you have work-study students or administrators who are tasked with creating a survey, but should not have access to deploying projects or access to results. The CES Administrator can access surveys authored by these users and add them to projects.
Administrator Setup
Click on Account tab.
Click Manage Administrators under Site Settings.
Click +Add New Administrator to manually create a new administrator account.
Or click on Import Administrators to upload an administrator file to create an administrator user(s), and then click Edit by the new Administrator's account.
Select Survey Admin under Select Role(s).
Click Save.
Operational Steps
When survey administrator logs into Course Evaluations & Surveys , they will be directed to Survey Builder, if Survey Admin is the only role they've been assigned, or can click into the Surveys base page if they are also assigned other node admin roles.
In the Surveys base page, these users can either + Create New Survey or edit existing surveys that they've built previously.
Once the survey administrator creates a survey, the CES Administrator will have access to that survey within the CES Administrator account to select and attach to projects.
Survey Types
The following survey types are available to Survey Administrators:
Course Main Survey: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be the Main Survey in a course-evaluation project. All respondents in the course-evaluation project will be presented with the questions in the Main Survey.
Course Targeted: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be added to specific courses or areas as a Targeted Survey in a course-evaluation project. Respondents in those courses or areas would be presented with the questions in a Targeted Survey in addition to the questions in the Main Survey.
Item Bank: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be a bank of questions for Instructors or Administrators to select from when using the Custom Questions feature.
Learning Outcomes Item Bank: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be a bank of learning outcome questions for Instructors to select from when using the Custom Questions feature.
General Survey: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be the Main Survey in a general survey project. All respondents in the general survey project will be presented with the questions in the Main Survey.
The following survey types are not stand-alone surveys but are used to create metadata filters for courses, instructors, or respondents
Metadata Course: Select this type to create metadata filters based on course.
Metadata Instructor: Select this type to create metadata filters based on instructor.
Metadata Respondent: Select this type to create metadata filters based on respondent.
As surveys created by a Survey Administrator AND CES Administrator will populate within the Survey tab of the CES Administrator view, you might consider asking your survey administrators to include a name, date and/or additional identifiers within the description of the survey (internal description not visible to external users) so the CES Administrator can identify surveys created by survey administrators.