Creating an Instant Insight Report

Getting Started

From the Report Management page, click the Create New Report button. 


Step 1. Select Form

To begin building a report, search and Select a Form. Click Next to continue to Step 2.


Step 2. Report Settings

Enter a Report Title, select the functionality(ies) for data reporting, as well as calculation options when applicable. Click Next to continue to Step 3.


Step 3. Apply Filters

Use the default filters or click the Manage Filters button to add or remove custom filters. Unless they are required, filters with no selections made will not be included in the report query.

Select or enter the filter parameters, and click Next to process to Step 4. Generate Report.


Optional: Manage Filters

Click Manage Filters to change the filters or reorder them.

  • The system displays all the selected filters in the Selected Filters column on the right side.
  • The Available Filters on the left side contains a variety of standard and DBE categories about the assessee, assessor, form, assessment, and other relevant reporting categories.
  • To add a filter, click the star to the left of the filter.
  • To remove a filter, click the X to the right of the filter. Some default filters cannot be removed, including Form Instance and Term/Date Range filters.
  • If the custom filter added is something that you will use in multiple reports, you can select it as a favorite so you can easily find it later.
  • Search for filters by name or use the filter option to quickly find the default recommended or favorite filters.

Optional: Generate a Report Preview
After all filters are applied and selections have been made, a report Preview is available. The system will first provide a preview page. The preview contains a small sample of data.

Step 4. Generate Report

The report will contain the full dataset based on the filters selected and the last data sync. Data is synced nightly, therefore the report may contain any assessment data collected on the date the report is generated. Depending on the dataset size, the report may take some time to generate.


Optional: Edit Columns in Data Display

Click Edit Columns to change the columns or reorder them. 

  • The system displays all the selected columns in the Selected Columns area on the right.
  • The Available Columns on the left side contains a variety of standard and DBE categories about the assessee, assessor, form, assessment, and other relevant reporting categories.
  • To add a column, click the star to the left of the field title.
  • To remove a column, click the X t the right of the selected field.
  • If the custom field you add is something that you will use in multiple reports, you can select it as a favorite so you can easily find it later.
  • Search for fields by name or quickly filter for recommended or favorite fields.
Optional: Customize the Analytic Display Page

Click the Customize Page button to change the order of the report questions or to activate (show) or deactivate (hide) a question. By default in the analytic display, the system only displays active widgets for questions types that are Likert, Multiple Choice Dropdown, Multiple Choice Radio Button, Multiple Choice Checkbox, Rubric, and Scoring Rubric. All other question types are deactivated by default, including Course, Date, Date/Time, Decimal Number, File, Large Text Area, Single line of text, Small Text Area, Table, User Attribute, and Whole Number.

Optional: Customize the Analytic Graphical Display and Statistical Options

Click the Settings wheel to the right of each question to select/deselect display and statistical options. 

  • Display Criteria: If the question is a rubric or likert scale, there are options to display the criteria together or separately. Displaying the criteria together provides a condensed table and stacked bar graph. Displaying the criteria separately provides a table for each question and options for pie and bar charts.
  • Displays: For each question, select the tables and graphs to include in the display. These options vary by question type.
  • Statistical Options: For each question, select the descriptive statistics to be included in the display. These options vary by question type.
Additional Features

In addition to the features described above, there are also options to: 

  • Toggle between the Data Display and Analytic Display.
  • Pop-out the report in a new window.
  • Set the visibility of rows in the data display. Hidden rows will not be exported or shared.
  • Drill down to students and evidence by clicking on the numbers in the Analytic Display.
  • Modify the graphs by selecting or deselecting values in the legend.
  • Print or download a single graph.

Sharing and Exporting an Instant Insight Report

Both the Analytic Display and the Data Display can be shared through email or exported. The file attachment types vary based on the display(s) selected.

Share the Report Through Email

Click the Share button to share the report via email. Enter and search for Tk20 users or enter an email directly. The email is sent from the sender’s email address. If no email address is stored for the sender in Tk20, the email is sent from the default server address.

Export the Report

Click the Export button to export the report to the computer or to the document room. Instant Insight Reports can be exported as both the Data Display and Analytic display. File attachment types will vary based on the type of display selected.

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