Reports Catalog

Next Generation (Core NG) Reports

Tk20 next generation reporting is adding a dimension to the expansive Tk20 core report catalog. With each product release, additional reports will be added that feature the next generation of reporting features which include cascading menus, editable columns, a data view, an analytic display, and interactive charts.


Next Generation Report

Course Reports

Courses 001: Comprehensive Report on Course Information

This report displays all course information per section for the selected course(s) including, section number, course ID, term, subject, description, organization(s), status, credits, delivery method, meetings times, and instructor(s). Additional attributes added in the course section DBE are also included.

Courses 002: Coursework and Observations Assessment Report for Administrators

This NG report display aggregate and comprehensive data on assessments in course assignments, projects, videos, course binders, and observations. It contains data previously found in the Core Report Courses 002, 008, 016, and 023.

Courses 003: Coursework and Observations Assessment Report for Faculty

This NG report display aggregate and comprehensive data on assessments in course assignments, projects, videos, course binders, and observations. Data is limited to assessments submitted by the faculty. It contains data previously found in the Core Report Courses 005, 009, and 075.

Course Evaluation Reports

Course Evaluations 001: Course Evaluation Status

This report monitors that status of course evaluations sent to users.

Course Evaluations 003: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Faculty

This report displays results of course evaluations completed on the faculty member running the report.

Course Evaluations 005: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Administrators

This report displays results of course evaluations for courses in your administrators’ organization(s).

Course Evaluations 006: Response Rate over Time

This report monitors course evaluation response rates over time.

Course Evaluations 007: Course Evaluation Status for My Courses

This report monitors the status of course evaluations sent to courses for which the faculty member running the report is the instructor.

Faculty Qualifications Reports

Faculty Qualifications 001: Faculty Activity Summary Report

This report displays aggregate and comprehensive information about faculty activities.

Faculty Qualifications 002: Report on Faculty for Administrators

Narrative-style report on faculty members on your roster.

Faculty Qualifications 003: My Activity Portfolio

Narrative style report on your activities.

Faculty Qualifications 004: Faculty Roster Report

View employment status, courses taught, degrees earned, and add other supporting information to show that your faculty are qualified to teach the courses they are teaching.

Field Experience Reports

Field Experience 001: Student Artifacts Report

Run this report to see aggregate and comprehensive data on student artifacts attached to field experience binders. This report contains data previously found in the reports:Field Experience 001: Aggregate Report on Artifacts Attached to Field Experience Binders and Field Experience 072: Comprehensive Report on Artifacts Attached to Field Experience Binders. Updated in Graphite Plus is an “Instructor(s)” column that will list the instructor(s) associated with the course section for which the field experience binder has been received.

Field Experience 002: Student Field Assessment Report

Run this report to see aggregate and comprehensive data on assessments of student work in field experience binders. This report contains data previously found in the reports: Field Experience 007: Aggregate Report on Field Experience Assessments and Field Experience 020: Comprehensive Report on Field Experience Assessments. Updated in Graphite Plus is an “Instructor(s)” column that will list the instructor(s) associated with the course section for which the field experience binder has been received.

LTI 001: Comprehensive Report on Courses and Coursework

This report displays a listing of courses and any associated coursework with launch URLs for LTI integration. Tk20 is currently compliant with the following learning management systems: Blackboard, Canvas (Instructure), Desire2Learn, Moodle, and Sakai.

Assessment Planning 

Planning 001: Assessment Plan Data for Organizations

This report will display assessment plan data for the selected organization(s) and assessment period(s). It contains data previously found in core reports: Planning 001 and 012.

Planning 003: List of Outcomes and Results for Organizations

This report displays outcomes and results for the selected organizations.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning 001: Report on Action Items

This report displays the details of action items, including the number of budgetary requests and the total amount requested, for the selected organization and planning cycle.

Strategic Planning 002: Report on Budget Items by Organization

This report displays all budget item details associated with an action item for the organization and planning cycle selected.

Strategic Planning 003: Report on Budget Requests

This report provides an overview of pending, approved, and denied budget requests for the organization and planning cycle selected.

Core Reports

Tk20 core reports provide comprehensive and aggregate reports for all feature functionalities. Once the data is collected within the Tk20 system, users can manipulate the data, display it in different formats, and select the appropriate output for further analysis and/or submission.


Comprehensive Core Report


Aggregate Core Report

Administration Reports

Administration 001: Request Access Event Log

This report allows you to monitor users that have logged into other users accounts through the request access feature.

Administration 010: Aggregate Report on Student Data

This report displays aggregated data regarding student gender, classification, level, and ethnicity, as well as the total number of students within the program chosen.

Administration 017: Comprehensive Report on Faculty Data

This report lists all users with the role of “faculty” in the system and the details stored for each.

Administration 024: Comprehensive Report on Student Data

This report lists all of the users with the role of ‘student’ in the system, including the details stored for each. Results can be narrowed by program.

Administration 028: Comprehensive Report on Faculty Activities

This report displays faculty activity based on term, including courses taught, the number of each type of coursework sent, and the number of times faculty have logged into the system.

Administration 035: Report on Student Addresses

This report displays the physical addresses and basic data of the students in the selected program.

Administration 038: Snapshot of Data Collection Activity

This report displays what types of data have been collected for the selected term, as well as the number of faculty and students that have logged into the system.

Administration 039: Standard Usage Report

This report displays where the selected standard body is being used throughout Tk20, including which coursework, course number, term, etc.

Administration 044: User Usage Report

This report displays login activity, account expiration dates, and active/not active status for users. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting a role, date range, activity and active/not active status.

Administration 064: Comprehensive Report on User Data

This report lists details stored on users with any role; excluding student (Administration: 024), cooperating teacher (Field Experience: 045), and faculty (Administration: 017). You can narrow down report results by selecting specific role(s).

Administration 068: Comprehensive Report on Scheduled Activities

This report displays all of the activities in Tk20 as well as the status, instructor, course, etc.

Administration 078: Standard Alignment by Form

This report displays whether or not standards have been aligned with a particular form that was created in Form Builder as well as the creator, creation date, visibility, and status of the form.

Administration 080: Standards Mapping

This report displays how standards are mapped to and from each other.

Advisement Reports

Advisement 001: Aggregate Data for Transition Point Templates

This report aggregates the data entered in transition point templates. For each program’s transition points, the report will show the number of students who have completed/not completed each step. The report also breaks down who has completed each step by major, ethnicity, and level.

Advisement 026: Comprehensive Report on Transcript Grades

This report displays all students’ transcript details by course and term.

Advisement 030: List of Majors

This report displays all of the majors in the system, including the major names, major codes, degree plans tied to each major, and the number of students assigned to each major.

Advisement 031: List of Programs

This report displays information on all programs in the system, including the program names, program codes, program level, credit hours, duration, name of the transition point template which is tied to each program, and the number of students assigned to each program.

Advisement 032: List of Students Who Have Passed/Failed Tests

This report displays a list of students that have passed or failed any test that has been loaded in Tk20. You will need to provide Tk20 with a translation table for the test types and what scores equal passing in order to run this report.

Advisement 043: Transition Point Report

This report displays students’ progression through the transition points tied to the selected program.

Advisement 046: Comprehensive Report on Test Scores

This report displays comprehensive results regarding students’ test scores, including the test type, date taken, and actual score. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting specific test types and a date range.

 Advisement 050: Aggregate Report on Transcript Grades

This report displays aggregated data on the breakdown of grades (shown as a total number and as a percentage) for a specific course, based on data stored in transcripts. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of a course, program, and/or term.

Advisement 053: Comprehensive Report on Degree Plans

This report allows you to select any degree plan that has been tied to a student in Tk20. The results will show details of all students tied to that degree plan and their progression through the plan.

Advisement 057: Comprehensive Report on Test Scores, One Student Per Row

This report displays comprehensive results regarding students’ test scores, including the test type, date taken and score with one student per row. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting any combination of a test type and/or date range.

Advisement 058: Comprehensive Report on Transcript Grades, One Student Per Row

This report displays all students’ transcript details by course and term one student per row. Specific course and/or term may be selected, and the report displays the details of students’ transcripts who have taken the selected course during the selected term.

Advisement 073: Comprehensive Report on Degrees

This report displays data stored on a selected Degree DBE form by role.

Advisement 074: Comprehensive Report on Certifications

This report displays data stored on a selected Certifications DBE form by role.

Application Reports

Applications 001: Aggregate Report on Admission Application Forms

This report allows you to view aggregate data on specific admission application form. Parameterize the data by selecting the term for which the application was created, the admission application form and the final result of the application in which the form was completed.

Applications 002: Comprehensive Report on Admission Application Forms

Run this report to view comprehensive data on admission application forms. Parameterize the data by selecting the term for which the application was created, admission application form, and the final result of the application in which the form was completed.

Applications 003: Aggregate Report on Admission Application Review Forms

This report allows you to view the aggregate data entered on Admission Application Review forms. Narrow the results by selecting the title of the review form, the application template, term and final result of the application.

Applications 004: Comprehensive Report on Admission Application Review Forms

This report displays the details of the data entered on Admission Application Review Forms. Narrow your results by selecting the review form, term, application, final result of the application and whether or not ID numbers have been associated or entered. Optionally, search for a particular applicant or reviewer by entering the applicant or reviewer first and/or last name.

Applications 005: Aggregate Report on Admission Applications

This report allows you to view the aggregate data on admission applications. Narrow your results by selecting the term for which the application was created, the application template name, and the final result of the applications you wish to view.

Applications 006: Comprehensive Report on Admission Applications

Run this report to view details submitted on admission applications. Narrow down the data by selecting the term for which the application was created, the application template, the final result of the application and whether or not IDs have been associated. A search may also be conducted by selecting the applicant first and/or last name.

Applications 007: Access URLs for Applications

This report provides a list of unique URLS for applications.

Applications 013: Comprehensive Report on Application Forms

This report displays the detailed results of the application forms students have completed in Tk20. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting any combination of a start date, end date, and/or the application form name.

Applications 083: Aggregate Report on Application Forms

This report displays aggregate data captured in Application Forms.

Applications 085: Comprehensive Report on Application Review Forms

This report displays comprehensive data collected in application review forms.

Artifact Reports

Artifacts 003: Aggregate Report on Artifact Templates

This report displays aggregated data on an artifact template between the dates selected. By default, this report pulls artifact templates that are active and have been used. This report displays the total number and total percent of persons entering each rating for each criterion on the artifact template.

Artifacts 006: Aggregate Report on Feedback Data

This report displays aggregated data on feedback forms which have been used to give feedback on artifacts or applications within Tk20 during the selected time frame. This report displays the total number and total percent of persons receiving each rating for each criterion on the feedback form.

Artifacts 014: Comprehensive Report on Artifact Templates

This report displays comprehensive results of artifact templates created in Tk20 within a designated time frame. The report includes links to files attached to the artifacts. The report results may be narrowed down by the date range and the artifact type.

Artifacts 018: Comprehensive Report on Feedback Forms

This report displays data entered on feedback forms completed in Tk20. It displays the user who sent the feedback request and the receiver of the feedback, as well as the artifact to which the feedback is referring. The report may be narrowed down by selecting a Feedback request from and a date range.

Assessments 079: Aggregate Results on Key Assessments

This report displays aggregated data on assessments that have been identified as a key assessment in Form Builder.

Course Reports

Courses 012: Assessment Tool Usage in Coursework

This report displays the usage details of assessment tools, including template creator, standards attached, which instructors are using them and how many students have been assessed with each assessment tool.

Courses 015: Comprehensive Report on Coursework

This report displays details about coursework sent out within Tk20 within a selected term. It lists faculty who have sent out coursework, the course, assignment/project name, and how many students received, submitted, and been assessed for each coursework item.

Courses 033: My Course Rosters

This report displays a course roster per term for the user running the report.

Courses 034: Comprehensive Report on Quizzes/Exams

This report displays detailed results of each item on a quiz or exam for each student for the selected quizzes and/or exams. Report results can be narrowed down by selecting any combination of a course number, section number, term, and/or a specific quiz or exam.

Courses 040: Student Course Load by Term

This report displays the details of each student’s course load by term.

Courses 041: Student Course Rosters by Term

This report displays student rosters by course and term.

Courses 042: Test Scores by Course/Term

This report displays details regarding students’ test scores, including the test type, date taken, and actual score. Report results may be narrowed down to show test scores of students taking certain courses during certain terms.

Courses 056: Aggregate Report on Quizzes/Exams

This report displays aggregated data on quizzes and exams. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of quiz or exam (type), section, term, and course number. This report displays the total number and total percent of persons entering each answer choice for each quiz or exam.

Courses 060: Aggregate Data on Coursework by Student

This report displays aggregated data on coursework, including the total number and total percentage of persons receiving each rating for each criterion on a specific rubric. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of a course number, section number, coursework type, term, and/or rubric.

Courses 062: Comprehensive Report on Assignment/Project Content

This report displays comprehensive data on coursework conducted in Tk20. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of a course number, section number, coursework type, and/or term. This report displays the status of the selected assignment/projects and includes a link to the artifact attached to it.

Courses 065: Comprehensive Report on Course Binder Content

This report displays whether or not a placeholder is attached to a course binder. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of term, course, or section.

Courses 066: Comprehensive Report on Coursework Templates

This report displays information pertaining to coursework templates created in Tk20. You will be able to view the creator of the template, visibility, assessment tools, and standards attached.

Courses 067: Aggregate Report on Coursework Assessments by Standard

This report aggregates standard-related data from coursework assessments, broken down by criteria. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of a course number, section number, coursework assessment, standard body and/or term. This report displays the total number and total percentage of persons receiving each rating for each criterion on the rubric. If you have mapped standards in Administration Standards, this report will display these relationships in conjunction with the assessment data.

Courses 081: Artifact Contents and Course-Based Assessments

This report displays comprehensive results for key assessments, along with the name of the artifact and a link to view any attachments associated with the artifact.

Coursework/Portfolio 071: Aggregate Report on Assessment Tools Used in Coursework and/or Portfolios

This report displays aggregated data on specific assessment tools used to assess coursework and/or

portfolios; this does not include assessment tools used for Observations. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of an assessment tool, program, and/or a date range (indicating when the coursework/portfolio was sent). This report displays the total number and total percentage of persons receiving each rating for each criterion on the assessment tool.

Field Experience Reports

Field Experience 019: Comprehensive Report on Field Experience Binders Sent

This report displays detailed results of the field experience binders that have been sent, including the start and end dates and the number binders completed and assessed. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting a term, course, section number, and/or the placement template.

Field Experience 021: Comprehensive Report on Field Experience Assessment Status by Field Experience Form

This report displays comprehensive data on the status of field experience forms sent via field experience binders in Tk20. This report displays the assessors’ names, whether or not they have completed the assessments, and the date they submitted the assessments if that is the case.

Field Experience 022: Comprehensive Report on Field Placements

This report displays comprehensive data on field experience placements done in Tk20. Results may be narrowed down by selecting any combination of course number, section number, term, and/or placement template.

Field Experience 027: Diversity-Based Report on Field Experience Placement

This report displays diversity data related to field experience placements including information on school district, cooperating site, and course.

Field Experience 029: Field Experience Form Usage

This report displays the usage details of field experience forms including the binders they were attached to, the assessors assigned to complete them, and the number of students assessed and pending assessments.

Field Experience 045: Comprehensive Report on Site Staff Data

This report can now be used to pull data for roles having users associated with a site. The report output also includes the number of placements by term for each site staff.

Field Experience 048: Comprehensive Report on School Yearly Data

This report displays data stored on cooperating sites, including basic details and any additional information stored in Yearly Data Forms. Report results may be narrowed down by District and by year.

Field Experience/Portfolio 054: Report on Field Experience Binder/Portfolio Attachments by Standards

This report shows comprehensive standard-related data from field experience binders, broken down by student. The report provides a link for any attachments to the binder. You can narrow down the report results by selecting a standard body.

Field Experience 059: Comprehensive Report on Field Experience Binder Content

This report displays whether or not students have attached artifacts to placeholders in field experience binders in Tk20. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting any combination of term, course, or section.

Field Experience 063: Aggregate Report on Field Experience Assessments by Standard

This report aggregates standards-related data from field experience forms, broken down by criteria. You can narrow down the report results by selecting any combination of a course number, section number, field experience form, standard body and/or term. This report displays the total number and total percentage of persons receiving each rating for each criterion on the rubric.

Field Experience 076: Comprehensive Report on My Assessments in a Field Experience Binder

This report displays the detailed assessment results of persons assessed by the user running the report. Report results may be narrowed down by selecting the field experience assessment, term, course number, and/or section number.

Field Experience 077: Site Information

This report displays detailed site Information for field placements.

Field Experience/Portfolio 069: Comprehensive Report on Portfolio/ Field Experience Binder Templates

This report displays information pertaining to portfolio and/or field experience binder templates created in Tk20. You will be able to view details of the template, including the creator, status, visibility, and assessment tools.

Assessment Planning Reports

Planning 002: Data Entry Status

This report enables you to gain a quick overview of the quantity and type of data entered by particular organizations, including mission statement, goals/outcome, and assessment plan data.

Planning 004: Outcome/Goal Alignment

This report displays the alignment of outcomes/goals. Use the parameter to select an organization, and the report displays all outcomes/goals that have been mapped from the selected organization, both directly and indirectly.

Planning 005: Detailed Report on Curriculum Maps

This report allows you to see a detailed view of constructed curriculum maps. The detailed view displays the level and emphasis of the outcome in the related courses, as well as any assessment measures listed.

Planning 006: Simple Report on Curriculum Maps

This report allows you to see a simple view of constructed curriculum maps. The simple view displays the courses in which outcomes are being addressed. Planning 007: Comprehensive Report on Curriculum Map Faculty Feedback This report displays the comprehensive data collected from instructors through the faculty feedback function in curriculum maps.

Planning 008: Aggregate Report on Curriculum Map Faculty Feedback

This report displays aggregate data from faculty members who provided feedback via the Curriculum Map Data Collection form.

Planning 009: Comprehensive Report on Assessment Plan Feedback

This report allows you to view the feedback given on assessment plans for a selected organization. By choosing multiple assessment periods, you will be able to see feedback given on the same outcome for multiple assessment periods. Parameterize by organization, assessment period, and goal/outcome type.

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