Managing Course Evaluation Reports 003 & 005

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to set Administrative Filters for the following reports:

  • Course Evaluations 003: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Faculty
  • Course Evaluations 005: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Administrators

Administrative Filters allow you, the administrator, to control which data points other users will see when a specific report is generated and when the data should be available for reporting. In order to set these filters, you will need to have the correct role permissions. Please contact your campus Tk20 Unit Administrator to have your role set as a Report Administrator.

Comparison Values

Enable Comparison Values

When using Administrative Filters in Course Evaluations 003 and Course Evaluations 005, you can choose to include several different comparison values when running the report as a faculty member, dean, department chair, or administrator.

You can turn comparison values on by selecting to include comparison values under Administrative Filters before generating your report. 

  1. Choose the report for which you want to modify Administrative Filters.
  2. Select Yes to include comparison values.
  3. Select your desired comparison values from the list provided.
  4. Click Set as Default.


Enabling Comparison Values

Types of Comparisons

Course Comparisons

Courses (all sections) comparisons are not dependent on hierarchy. This comparison option includes a mean for all other sections of the selected course. For example, if a user runs the report for the course section MEE100-01, the Courses (all sections) mean will include a mean of responses for all sections of MEE100, so you can see how this section compares with other sections MEE100 that received the same instance of the course evaluation.


Comparing Means

Faculty Comparisons

Faculty comparisons can be made for all courses taught by the same individual. For example, if a user runs the report for the course section MEE100-01 taught by Martha Davis, then the Faculty (all courses taught) mean displayed will include responses for all other course sections taught by Martha. This will allow you to see how MEE100-01 compares to all other course sections taught by Martha that received the same instance of the course evaluation.

Hierarchical Comparisons

Comparison values based on organizational hierarchy allow you to compare course evaluation results for one course to other courses based on the alignment to the organizational hierarchy type (e.g., Department, College, Program). You can select the types of comparisons to include by selecting the organizational type(s). These organization types are dynamic and will be different for each institution.

You must setup your organizational hierarchy prior to using hierarchical comparison values. Additionally, all courses in your institution should be aligned to organizations during the data load process. If courses are not properly aligned, then including comparisons based on the organizational hierarchy will yield incomplete and potentially inaccurate results.

The example shown illustrates courses aligned to the Program level. The report will generate mean values at this level for each question on the course evaluation form. The mean values will be calculated based on a course evaluation instance. In this example, it is assumed that all courses in the university receive the same instance of the course evaluation.


Hierarchical Comparisons using Organizational Alignment

Visibility Options

Oftentimes, institutions want to restrict access to the results of course evaluations until final grades have been submitted. Using visibility options, you can set when other administrators (Course Evaluations 005) or faculty members (Course Evaluations 003) are allowed to view results from a particular course evaluation instance.

You can control visibility options under Administrative Filters before generating your report. 

  1. Choose the report for which you want to modify Administrative Filters.
  2. Select your desired option (e.g., Not Passed or Passed) corresponding to the end date of the course evaluation instance.
  3. Click Set as Default.

Not Passed

The Not Passed option allows users running the report to select current and past course evaluation instances and view the results immediately as students complete course evaluations.

Note(s): This is the standard behavior for most Tk20 reports.


The Passed option restricts users generating the report from selecting course evaluation instances that are currently open. Users will only be able to select instances that are the specified number of days after the end date. For example, if you select Passed and specify four (4) days after the end date, then users will only be able to generate a report on course evaluation instances that ended at least four (4) days ago.

Visibility Options

Organizational Security

Organizational security allows you to restrict access to Course Evaluations 005 so users can only view data for their affiliated organization(s) (i.e., program, department). For example, you may want to give the Dean of the College of Education access to view course evaluation data specific to the College of Education, but you many also want to restrict the Dean’s access to data from the College of Engineering.

You can control organizational security for each course evaluation report independently  under Administrative Filters.

  1. Choose the report for which you want to modify Administrative Filters.
  2. Select your desired option (e.g., Yes or No).
  3. Click Set as Default.

Note(s): Before organizational security can be implemented, all courses must be aligned to an organization during the data import process. Additionally, users running the report must also be aligned to their affiliated organization(s). For more information, check out Associating Users with Organizations

Security: No

This is the default security state for the report. When No is selected, the organization parameter is disabled, and users running the report will be able to select any course evaluation title, instructor, or course.

Security: Yes

When Yes is selected, the organization parameter is required. Users will only be able to run course evaluation reports for organizations to which they are associated.

You can also refer to the video linkIntroduction to Course Evaluation 005

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