Some organizations allow students to access a snapshot of their work submission after it has been sent back for revision. If your organization has enabled this feature, you can access your previous submission by following the steps below.
From your homepage, click on the name of the Program where your work was submitted. Then, click on the name of your assignment in the structure tree on the left-hand side of the page. On the upper left-hand side of the work area, above the structure tree, click the View Previous Submissions button to access the previous version(s) of your work. Finally, click the View Submitted Work button that corresponds to the version you wish to view.
Some programs provide the option to import work from a previous submission into your current submission. If this option was enabled by your instructor, you can click the Import Work button adjacent to the View Submitted Work button in order to include that version of your submitted work with the current version that you are working on. Select the files that you would like to include, and then click the Import Selected Files/Submissions button. Click the Back to Work button on the upper left-hand side of the page to continue editing, and to resubmit your work.
Attached to this email, you will find a detailed guide with screen shots on how to access previously submitted work that was sent back for revision.
If you do not see a View Previous Submissions button in your Program, that means your organization is not using this feature for that Program. You will be able to access your previously submitted work by opening your Program from your home page, clicking on the Work tab in the upper right-hand corner of the work area, and then clicking on the assignment name in the structure tree on the left-hand side of the screen. Your previous work submission will be available within the page for that assignment.
Viewing Previous Submissions
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