The Navigation Bar is on all Faculty Success screens and contains the basic navigation links. The large, colored buttons open main utilities where you can manage users and their activity data. The smaller links at the bottom of the menu provide additional functionality.
The main buttons will provide the following functionality, described briefly in the following pages and in more detail in the remainder of this guide:
Note: You may not have all utilities displayed or functionality described here. This is dependent upon the permissions assigned to your Faculty Success security role. |
- Home: View and navigate to resources which assist in the administration of Faculty Success.
- Activities: Enter or manage your own teaching, research, and service activities.
- Manage Data: Enter or manage other users' teaching, research, and service activities.
- Reports: Run reports based on templates and query the data in Faculty Success using the parameters you identify.
- Usage Statistics: View statistics on the use of Faculty Success by your users. These include the number of logins and number of records added or edited. Retrieve audit logs for a user to see how their records changed over time.
- Users and Security: Edit user account information or create, delete, or disable user accounts.
- Work Requests: Submit requests to Faculty Success to modify Faculty Success for your campus, view the status of open requests, and view completed requests.
- Help Center: Access product documentation, contact our support team, and connect with other Faculty Success clients.
Note: You cannot customize the names of utilities as they appear on the Navigation Bar. |