Updates to CSV Import tool for prospects
Custom sheet type
New sheet type which allows users to upload all their prospect data within one sheet.
The first row of sheet must contain Watermark-supplied column headers spelled and capitalized exactly correctly. These columns may be in any order. Certain fields are always required:
- firstName
- lastName
- emailAddress
Prospect phone numbers and addresses may also be automatically labeled as primary, active, etc. from within the upload tool; these columns can be applied by Watermark if they were not in the sheet.
For more information, please read the new help article on custom sheet type.
Autogeneration of ID
When generating new prospects via CSV import, an ID will now be generated if not supplied on both the prospect sheet-type and custom sheet-type
Accessibility remediations
Provides numerous remediations for accessibility including:
- Excellent contrast on focus indicator
- Improved navigation of the focus indicator using the tab key
- More complete labeling of fields
- Information throughout the product that * indicates a required field