Student Learning & Licensure Release Notes for September 17, 2024

Search and Pagination - Courses

As an administrator courses can be searched from the Course Catalog Code and Course Name, to handle a large number of course pagination is also implemented.


Placement Coordinators will be able to sort the student placements using Section, Site and Status columns as well.

With this release the placement table is now sortable by student name, section, site, and status.

  1. Clicking any of the column headers (except mentor) will sort the table by values in that column, allowing for more flexibility in how placements are found and viewed.

Note about mentors: because multiple mentors may be assigned to a placement and recorded in various order, we don’t allow sorting on the mentor column. Mentor’s names can be typed in the search box to find all placements to which that mentor is assigned.


Sort and Filter - Courses Tab- Sections

As an administrator sort-by and filter-by is a new option for sections. Screenshot for reference:


Admins will be able to rearrange the rubric elements

With this release, rubric elements can be rearranged while creating or editing rubrics.

  1. Up and Down arrow keys will be available, along with the delete icon, on each element. This will allow elements, including labels, descriptions, levels, points, etc., to be moved up or down.
    1. For the first element, the arrow keys will be available in the disabled form.
  1. Changes made to the order of elements on a rubric will be reflected in reports and extracts where the elements currently match the rubric order.
  2. For the Published Rubrics:
    1. Elements on published rubrics can be rearranged.
    2. All other editing rules for published rubrics have remained the same.


Sort - Courses Tab

As an administrator, you can sort by your course for a better results.


Release of new type of Extract: Rubric, Standards, and Outcome Mapping Extract

Introduction of a new extract type that provides a comprehensive mapping of Standards, Outcomes, and Rubrics, allowing administrative users to ensure these assessment tools are appropriately aligned for accreditation and institutional reporting.

Here are some screenshots navigating user to the new type of Extract.

Step1: Go to Reports > Extracts

Step2: Select the “Rubrics, Standards, and Outcomes Mapping” and create it.


Step3: Select the organization and the type of Extract Data before generating the Extract.


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