This article links to other articles that include instructions asking to check if "LMS jobs are running".
To see which jobs are used to sync LMS data with SS&E, please refer to the following instructions that explain how to view the LMS job status in SS&E Administration > Advanced Administration > Batch Processing, seen here.
- To fix the above broken link, replace 'YourInstitution' with the abbreviated institution name that displays in your SS&E URL. For more information about fixing 'yourInstitution' links, click here.
- Batch Processing can also be used to check on the LMS data synchronization status at any time, by selecting a job and viewing the job status history.
LMS Integration Support & Troubleshooting
LMS Enrollment Data is Missing or Incorrect
In the above article:
- Step 2 includes instructions to check the lmsCourseSectionSynchJob from Batch Processing in order to verify that LMS course data is syncing with SS&E and the job is completing.
- Once the lmsCourseSectionSynchJob runs successfully, SS&E will use the assigned (or manually overriden) LMS ID found in Course Section Administration to sync enrollment data.
- Once the lmsCourseSectionSynchJob runs successfully, it does not matter if the job fails since the course LMS ID has already populated in SS&E and will not be removed by SS&E.
- Missing/mismatched LMS ID issues usually occur at the very beginning of a term, as staff discover that the LMS ID is missing or incorrect.
- Step 5 includes instructions to check the lmsEnrollmentsImportJob from Batch Processing in order to verify that LMS enrollment data is syncing with SS&E and the job is completing.
- Once the course LMS ID is populated in Course Section Administration, either by the lmsCourseSectionSynchJob or by a manual override, the lmsEnrollmentsImportJob uses the assigned LMS ID to sync enrollment data.
- Once the lmsEnrollmentsImportJob runs successfully, it a subsequent job fails, the most recent data that synced successfully in the past will display in SS&E and will not be removed from the UI.
LMS Assignment Data Synchronization
In the above article:
- Step 1 includes instructions to check the lmsAssignmentsImportJob from Batch Processing in order to verify that LMS assignment data is syncing with SS&E and the job is completing.
LMS Integration Administration
LMS Data Synchronization
In the above article:
- There is a section dedicated to "Syncing LMS Enrollment Data for Past Terms", that includes instructions for customers to request that this job be enabled (since it is usually disabled and does not run by default).
- Once enabled, clients can monitor the lmsEnrollmentsImportForPreviousTermsJob job from Batch Processing in order to verify that this job has completed.