LMS Orientation Complete Rules

For institutions who have orientation courses in their LMS, SS&E can be configured to look at particular courses to determine whether orientation has been completed by the student.  This configuration should be completed by an SS&E technical resource at the time of implementation. These orientation complete rules will help to drive SS&E's alerting as it pertains to orientation being complete.


Orientation Completion dates are detected by inspecting a student's information that is received from your LMS. To enable orientation completion detection, it first must be enabled in Administration via Configuration > Application Configuration. The "enableOrientationCompleteDate" setting must be set to "true".

Orientation Complete Rules

Course Code

Orientation Completion detection is configured via "Orientation Complete Rules". This is also managed in Administration via LMS Administration > Orientation Complete Rules. At least one rule must be present in order for orientation completion detection to work.

The course code configured in each rule is used to retrieve the grade book from the LMS. It uses the following format:


The system will automatically populate the year with the current calendar year, the next (future) calendar year, and the previous (past) calendar year, and will examine the LMS for enrollments and current grades for that course section. For example, if the current calendar year is 2017, if a rule is configured with a course code of "9000", the system will look in the LMS for course sections with ID's "9000-201799", "9000-201899", and "9000-201699".

Grade Requirements

SS&E Retention will examine the column in the grade book as defined in the rule's "Column Name" configuration. It will take the date of the latest attempt of all of this information and use that as the orientation complete date, assuming the student met the grade requirements.

There are two methods for determining if the student is considered to have completed the orientation course successfully. You must configure one of these two methods in order for orientation completion to be detected properly.

Pass Val: This is a specific value that must be matched in order for the course to be considered completed by the student. For example, "P" or "S", or "PASS".

Pass Percentage: This will ensure the grade received is greater than or equal to the "Pass Percentage" grade configured on the rule.

If a rule is configured with a "Pass Val", then the "Pass Percentage" will be ignored for that rule - even if it is configured.

How It Works

As a part of the LMS synchronization job, the configured Orientation Complete Rules will be processed as follows.

  1. The course code will be combined with the current calendar year to generate the expected grade book course section code.
  2. The grade book will be retrieved with the configured "Column Name" included.
  3. For each student in the grade book, the "Column Name" will be examined for a grade, and evaluated against the configured Grade Requirements. If the grade passes the Grade Requirements, moves to the next step. Otherwise, no changes are made to the student's orientation information and the job moves to the next student.
  4. (If the grade meets the Grade Requirements) On the student record, the orientation complete date is set to the "Last Attempt Date" provided in the returned grade book for that student and configured "Column Name" column.
  5. If the orientation complete date has changed for the student and it is less than 30 days in the past, an Orientation Complete event is created for the student.

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