This article will walk you through the process of creating a link in your Canvas course that takes students to a specific assignment in LiveText.
NOTE: If you would like to use the Grade Return feature, which allows grades submitted in a LiveText assignment to be passed back to the Canvas gradebook, students must click the link in Canvas and submit the LiveText assignment. If a student goes directly to and submits the assignment, their grade will not pass back to Canvas.
1. Create an assignment in LiveText. Check the Publish Assessments box.
2. Add an assignment in your Canvas course
3. Enter a Title for the assignment
4. Enter Points
5. Select External Tool as the Submission Type
6. Enter the following URL in the External Tool URL field:
7. Check the Load This Tool In A New Tab box
8. Click Save & Publish
9. Click on the assignment link you created
10. Click the "Load in a new window" button. You will then be brought to a LiveText screen that looks like this:
11. Click the radio button next to Specific Assignment and click Select & Save
12. Choose a Course Section (NOTE: you will only be able to choose a course section if your LiveText account has been added as an instructor to the course)
13. Choose an assignment from the selected course section and click Select & Save
14. Click Return to LMS
Clicking the link in Canvas will now take you and your students directly to the LiveText assignment.