Report Mapper

Report Mapper is an additional module that can be enabled at the customer's request, which allows a secondary course alignment for reporting purposes. Report Mapper should not be confused with Hierarchy Mapper, which provides the primary course alignment. 


Report Mapper is not enabled by default.  Please complete a HELP REQUEST to have this enabled in your account if you read this article and determine you need this optional feature.  If enabled, Report Mapper would appear as an option under Account > Site Settings (section)

Functionality in Report Mapper is similar to Hierarchy Mapper, where logic can be created to provide secondary alignment for the course. This secondary alignment allows access to results by Administrators who do not have access to the course's primary alignment.


For Example: Your school has two Node Admins (a department head and a chair) with access to the MATH hierarchy level.  This primary alignment gives these Node Admins the ability to generate reports for any course aligned to MATH.  But these two Node Admins also need access to one particular statistics course (STAT-235) that aligns to the STATISTICS level based on it's primary alignment.  Since the Node Admins do not have access to the STATISTICS level, they would not normally see results for this course.  But Report Mapper would allow a CES Admin to create logic so that the Node Admins in MATH can generate reports for that specific STATISTICS course.


Using the scenario above as a guide, the CES Admin would access Report Mapper and edit the MATH level to include the additional logic.  In this case, the CES Admin would add the logic Course Code Contains STAT-235. 

It is important to understand that the CES Admin does not need to duplicate the logic they already have in Hierarchy Mapper.  The CES Admin only needs to add the additional secondary logic.  In other words, the CES Admin does not need to add logic in the Report Mapper that says MATH courses should align to MATH as that logic is presumably already in the Hierarchy Mapper.  The CES Admin would only need to add the additional logic of Course Code Contains STAT-235.  Once completed and saved, the two Node Admins would be able to view results for all MATH courses and for the STAT-235 course.


The CES Admin can view the Report Mapper alignment by clicking the pencil to Edit the course on the Courses tab of the project


NOTE: If you are using the optional Custom Questions feature, granting access to a course through Report Mapper also grants access to add Custom Questions to that course.  In the above example, the two MATH Admins would be able to add Custom Questions to the STAT-235 course because they have access to that course through Report Mapper.


Re-Map Button

When courses are imported into CES, they are run through the Hierarchy Mapper and the Report Mapper to create the primary and secondary alignment.  But if Report Mapper logic is changed or added after the course has already been imported then the CES Admin can click the Re-Map button to run the courses through the Report Mapper again to take advantage of any new or changed logic. If changes are made to the report logic and those changes should be reflected with all previous mappings removed, a "Clear Historical Mappings/Courses" must be performed, followed by a re-map.


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