Reported Issue:
A staff initiated alert is missing from the dropdown showing the staff initiated alert reasons. It is set up in Alerts Administration -> Staff Initiated Alerts -> Reasons, yet it is not listed and cannot be selected from the UI.
In most cases, the reason that a staff initiated alert is missing is that the "person type" you are targeting (usually a student person type) is missing from the alert reason configuration.
To fix this, you will need to check the alert reason settings in Staff Initiated Alerts Administration and make sure that the person type you are targeting (student in most cases) can be assigned the specific alert reason that is missing, eg. which person type(s) can be the target of the alert.
- If you find that the staff initiated alert reason configuration shows that the alert reason can only be assigned to person types that are non-student person type, then the reason the alert is missing from the UI is that it is NOT configured for student records.
If the alert is configured for use only on non-student person types, if you wish to select this alert type/reason on a student record, then you will need to:
- Go to SS&E Administration -> Alerts -> Staff Initiated Alerts
- Select Edit on the staff initiated alert page
- Scroll to the Reasons section, find the missing alert reason and click on it
- Add "student" to the alert reason alert configuration "Person Types that can be assigned this reason. If this alert does not apply to non-students, you may also remove any non-student person types as they will not be targeted by this alert.
For more information, click here.