2.10 Release Notes

Released: October 15th, 2016

Aviso 2.10 focuses on three core changes; accessibility, academic planning, and responsive design. 


As an organization we have a fundamental belief that the Aviso platform should offer the best experience possible for all users, including those with disabilities.  As a result, we are working diligently toward Aviso being fully accessible.  While 2.10 does not make all of Aviso fully 508 compliant, Aviso is much more usable for those users with disabilities.  Upcoming releases will continue to focus on this capability.  

Responsive UI

As more users utilize Aviso from mobile devices, it is important for users to have the best experience possible on these devices.  As a result, the Aviso application is being moved to a responsive web design.  Responsive web applications will automatically adjust their size based upon the device being used, limiting the pinching and zooming that comes from utilizing a web application that is not built in a responsive manner.  With 2.10, Aviso's administrative screens have made this transition to responsive design.  In upcoming versions, the rest of Aviso will transition as well. 


Multiple instances of achievements are now able to be created through the administrative screens.  Administrators can create multiple Current Grade achievements or Midterm Grade achievements with varying configuration.

Academic Planning 

  • Rewrite of academic planning module of Aviso.
  • Introduction of academic plan templates to represent existing curriculum guides. Templates can also be created to represent other scenarios, such as a part-time program curriculum or specific pathways for students to follow.
  • Ability to create a note directly from the academic planning screen for a student.


  • Added program, campus and course to the Alert Detail report.


  • Increase in frequency of data pulls for registration and attendance data to every 15 minutes
    • *dependent on underlying data source
  • Changes to risk indicators for accessibility purposes.
  • Sending a message by roster or from roster
  • Added program, campus and course to the Alert Detail report.
  • LMS Last Login alert is now repeatable based on configuration in the administrative screens.
  • Administrators now have the ability to override specific fields when data is imported into Aviso. An example is if it is necessary to override a student's email address as it is incorrect in the source system it can now be done within the Aviso administration screens.
  • Added administrative ability to bulk upload student photos.
  • Provide degree information to analytics.
  • Support financial aid award amount calculations based upon award category and award type within Aviso Connector.
  • Ability for a staff member who is teaching courses to bulk message students in the course section from the messaging screen.
  • Improved performance for loading registration data and attendance data.

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