Daily Digest is Missing


Whether or not a staff user receives a Daily Digest depends on their individual:

  1. User Settings
  2. Caseload Activity Feed

For example:

  • If a staff user's settings are only configured to receive daily digest notifications about staff initiated alerts and there are no relevant staff initiated alerts alerts on their caseload students, this would explain why the staff user is not receiving a daily digest.
  • If a staff user's settings show that they wish to receive notification on caseload student's birthdays (if checked under Special Occasions), and a student has a birthday, staff will be notified and receive an automated daily digest email in the early AM notifying the staff user who on their caseload has a birthday that day.

How to Verify if a Daily Digest Email is Sending

  1. From Admin -> Messaging - Open the Message Report.
  2. Search for Daily Digest Emails filtering on From Aviso System, To the Daily Digest Recipient.
  3. Click on the Date column header to sort by Date descending. Look for many "daily" messages with a time stamp around 3:45 AM - 6:45 AM (in local time zone).
  4. Click into the ID column to see the email message body and confirm these are Daily Digest communications.
  5. Check the Status, Destination, and Successfully Sent Destination of these messages.
  6. If Daily Digest email messages are sending successfully, yet recipients are NOT receiving them, check the Person record from People Administration to make sure the user is not included on the Suppressed Email Destination List.

User Settings

Each Staff user has individual Daily Digest settings (found in user settings, accessed by clicking on the top right profile menu and then selecting "Settings"). Depending on which items are checked determines what is included in the daily digest.

Staff initiated alerts are included in the daily digest by default.

Daily Digest items can include items for advisees only or advisees and followees.

  • Advisees Only are students where you, the staff member, are in the students primary success team.
  • Followees are students where you, the staff member, are following the student. (If the follower is Student Visible Yes/No does not matter)

Caseload Activity Feed

From your Caseload, select the Activity Filter in order to check which items apply to your caseload and should appear on the daily digest.

  • For example, to check if anyone on your caseload has staff initiated alerts, from the Caseload Items filter, unselect all and only select staff initiated alerts.
  • If filtering on your caseload staff initiated alerts shows "no results found", that explains why the daily digest is missing.

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