TS Coordinator Resources

  • Distributing a Custom Portfolio Template

    As a TS Coordinator, you can share portfolio and/or web page templates you have created in the Web Folio or Web Page Builder with others in your organization.     Click TS Coordinator in the top menu bar.     Next, click the Distribute Folio & Web Page Templates link within the Resources area.     On the Distribute Folio & Web Page Templates page, click the radio but...

  • Creating an Exhibit Room

    To store sample work in a manner that will allow you to easily extract that work for later use and/or for use as a publishable web page, you can create an Electronic Exhibit room using LAT’s Folios & Web Pages Builder.  For assistance with creating an Exhibit Room, you can find detailed instructions in the attached guide. 

  • Viewing Lesson and Unit Plans as a TS Coordinator

    As a Site Coordinator you have the ability to view lessons and units created by Taskstream subscribers in your administrative domain: From the TS Coordinator area, click the View Lesson and Unit Plans link. Then select the "Find Lesson and Unit Plans" button to open the Member Locator. In the Member Locator area, click the folder(s) to navigate through your administrat...

  • Sharing Forms, Rubrics, and Templates Created by Other TS Coordinators

    COPYING FORMS As a TS Coordinator, you may wish to copy a form that has been created by another coordinator within your organization. To copy a form, follow the steps below. To begin, click the TS Coordinator menu. Access the Form & Survey Builder. (Optional) If the New Form Title section isn’t already visible, click Create New. Enter a title for your new copy...

  • Exhibit Room Security

    When report data is being included in a web folio or web page, extra measures have been put in place to keep the data secure.Web folios and web pages that include saved reports cannot be attached to other folios and web pages.Another security measure is that all folios and web pages that include saved reports must be password protected in order to be published. Also, wh...

  • TS Coordinator Access

      What is a TS Coordinator? The TS (Taskstream) Coordinator status provides users with administrative permissions and capabilities in their Taskstream learning communities. A TS Coordinator has access of administrator-type tools to perform a variety of functions, such as create and manage programs, run reports, post communications, and manage processes.   How to Designa...

  • Adding Sample Student Work in an Exhibit Room

    You can add student artifacts to an exhibit room, as well as gather evaluation results associated with the student artifacts. The items for addition to the exhibit room must be in Release or Final/Reconciled statuses for eligibility.  If the status should change, the items are no longer viewable from the exhibit room.To display the work publicly, full student approval i...

  • As a TS Coordinator, how do I share a Web Folio/Page template with my class?

    To share a Web Folio or Web Page template with individuals at your organization, you will need to have Taskstream (TS) Coordinator privileges.To begin, click the TS Coordinator button on the top menu bar. Next, click the Distribute Folio & Web Page Templates link under the Resources area. On the Distribute Folio & Web Page Templates page, click the radio button next to ...