The Course Evaluations & Surveys integration with Instructure’s Canvas LMS has several components which:
Allow you to directly sync course, student, teaching assistant and instructor information between the two systems for your Course Evaluations & Surveys projects.
Allow students, teaching assistants, instructors and administrators to seamlessly pass from Canvas into their Course Evaluations & Surveys account.
The following provides further details on the integration functionality between Course Evaluations & Surveys and Canvas, with links to additional articles at the bottom to walk you through the setup:
Data Integration
Refresh Canvas Accounts, Courses, and Enrollments within Course Evaluations & Surveys
Sync your Canvas Accounts within Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Sync your course information and student, teaching assistant and instructor enrollments between Canvas and Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Search for and select Canvas courses and enrollments to import into your Course Evaluations & Surveys projects.
Use the Student, Teaching Assistant and/or Instructor Enrollment Refresh to manage enrollment adds/drops in Canvas courses after the initial course data import into your Course Evaluations & Surveys project.
User Integration
Add LTI Links Automatically for Student, Teaching Assistant, Instructor and Administrator users
Automatically add dynamic LTI links on the left-hand navigation of your Canvas courses that allows your users to access Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Dynamic course links will automatically display to students for an active evaluation in your Course Evaluations & Surveys project (whether you use project or course-level survey dates) and will be removed when the student has either submitted the survey for that course, or the survey has ended.
Separate LTI links for instructors, teaching assistants and administrators will display in courses within deployed Course Evaluations & Surveys projects.
Customized Survey Notifications for Students with Active Surveys
Enable the survey notification to allow the system to check whether a user has an active survey to take for that course or general survey. If so, your customized survey notification will display along with an LTI link directly to the survey.
If the student does not have an active survey to take, the survey notification will not display.
Add Calendar Items with Links Automatically via API
Automatically add a link to Course Evaluations & Surveys in student’s calendars in Canvas for all courses within a project.
Calendar items and links will automatically display in the calendar on the survey start date scheduled (for either project or course level survey dates, if added).
Global External Tool Access Links
Add a global LTI link to Course Evaluations & Surveys in all Canvas courses to allow users to authenticate into their Course Evaluations & Surveys account from Canvas as an alternative to the user-specific LTI links described above.