Standards & Outcomes Report

The Standards & Outcomes report allows an administrator to select standards and outcomes and view the associated met/not met data.  By default, the report will show all met/not met data for the standard/outcome. However, reports can be customized by selecting filtering values to refine the displayed data.

Building a Standards & Outcomes Report query

A Standards and Outcomes report query is built by choosing a standard or outcome set on which to report and giving the query a name.  Optionally, data filters can be added to refine the reported data.

To build a simple Standards & Outcomes Report query:

  1. From the Reports page, click the Create New Report button and select Standards & Outcomes Report



  1. On the Select Report Criteria page, select a Set
  2. In the Query name field, type in a name for the query
  3. Click the RUN button to display the data for the selected standard or outcome set.


To add optional data filters to a report:

  1. After choosing a standard or outcome set, click the Add Filter button to expand the filters menu.
  2. Select a filter by clicking the plus (+) icon next to the filter name.
  3. After selecting a filter, click on the filter’s text field, and select the value that should be included in the report from the drop down menu.


  1. Click the RUN button.

To remove a filter from a report:

  1. Hover over the filter field and click the trash can icon that appears.
  2. Confirm by clicking the Delete button.


The Standards & Outcomes Report screen

The Standards & Outcomes Report lists all standards/outcomes in the selected set, displays the number of times each standard/outcome was scored as met and not met, and calculates the percentage of total assessments that were scored as met and not met.

The top half of the report displays scores using pie charts, with green representing met data and red representing not met data.  The bottom half of the report displays the same scoring information, but in a table format.

By default, the report displays all standards/outcomes in the set.  However, the drop down menu near the top of the report can be used to select and view only specific standards/outcomes.
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TIP:  Clicking on a number in the chart or table will display a list of the students that were assessed at that met/not met status, the student’s assessor, and the time stamp of the assessment.  From this list, clicking on a specific assessment will open the student’s assessed submission.

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Adding additional queries

Once a query has been built and run, additional queries can be built to appear on the same report screen, “side-by-side.”  This is very useful for comparing assessments among different sections of people.  For example, one query may be the standards/outcomes data for the current semester, and the second query is the data for the previous semester.  Or one query may be female students, while another query is male students.  The scores from the two queries can easily be compared in one report.

To add a query to an existing report:

     1. Create a query and run the report.
     2. On the report screen, click the Add Query button.
     3. Build the query, just like any other query.
     4. Click the RUN button.

The report will now display both queries on the report screen.  By default, the standard/outcome data will be sorted by standard/outcome.  To sort the data by query name, click the Section By drop down menu, and select Query.

TIP: The visibility of each query can be turned on or off by clicking the checkbox next to the query name.

Copying, Editing, and Deleting Queries

Queries that have been added to a report can be copied, edited, or deleted from the report.  To manage a query, hover over a query and select:

  • pencil icon – edit the existing query
  • paper icon – copy the query and, optionally, edit the query
  • trash can icon – delete the query from the report



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