CAEP Faculty Data Collection and Reporting

CAEP Standard 2.2 calls for EPPs to “co-select, prepare, evaluate, support, and retain high-quality clinical educators, both provider- and school-based, who demonstrate a positive impact on candidates’ development and P-12 student learning and development. In collaboration with their partners, providers use multiple indicators and appropriate technology-based applications to establish, maintain, and refine criteria for selection, professional development, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, and retention of clinical educators in all clinical placement settings.”

You may facilitate the collection of this data and generate reports that include this data from within Tk20. This guide will walk you through that process from start to finish.

Here is the “Happy Path” for collecting and reporting out on faculty data to meet CAEP Standard 2.2



Creating Faculty Rosters

A Faculty Roster organizes your faculty into data collection hubs that are identified by an organization from your institutional hierarchy in your system, then further subdivided by any existing academic term that exists in your system. The goal of a faculty roster is to see which faculty are teaching in a particular organization for a particular term.

Faculty rosters are essential for reporting out your faculty qualifications data.

You may be able to adjust your SIS data files to automatically generate faculty rosters each term. To find out if you are a good candidate for this option, contact your Implementation Consultant. Otherwise, the easiest way to generate a faculty roster is by submitting a completed Faculty Roster Load Template each term. The Faculty Roster Load Template is an Excel sheet that contains the following data:

First Name Last Name Faculty ID Term Code Roster Organization Employment Category
Jane Doe 0234565 sp2017 BUS: Accounting Full Time
John Smith 3215412 sp2017 BUS: Economics Part Time


  • First Name: Faculty member’s first name
  • Last Name: Faculty member’s last name
  • Faculty ID: Faculty member’s unique identifier (in Tk20, these are called PIDs (personal identification))
  • Term Code: Unique code associated to a specific term in your system
  • Roster Organization: Organization(s) for which you want the faculty member included on the roster. Tk20 can accommodate single or multiple** roster organization associations used for roster alignment in the Faculty Qualifications functionality. If multiple organization associations exist, please create a new column for each organization (i.e., Roster Org 1 | Roster Org 2 | Roster Org 3, etc.).
  • Employment Category: Indicates whether the faculty teaches in the organization full time or part time.

Once your template is complete, send an email to your Implementation Consultant that includes the following: 

  • your completed faculty roster template
  • instructions to select the setting to “Allow faculty update of organization-based details” for each roster
  • a list of folks who should have administrative privileges over the rosters.

**See Notes for Unit Administrators for implications of including faculty on multiple rosters.

Building the CAEP Faculty Data Form

You may find the CAEP-provided evidence chart for Faculty Data in Appendix A.

You can build the CAEP Faculty Data form for use in Tk20 by following these steps: 

  1. Access DBE Builder through the Administration side menu tab.
  2. Click the green “Create New DBE” button
  3. In the General Information tab across the top of the page, complete the following:
    1. give your form a name and optional description
    2. select the Context of “Faculty Organization Detail DBE”
    3. select “Yes” for the question “Is this form active?”
    4. Choose whether or not you want to make your form public
      1. Yes=other users with access to the DBE area of Tk20 will be able to access and edit your DBE
      2. No=the DBE can only be accessed and edited by you
    5. Align your DBE to all relevant organizations. In this case, the most likely relevant organizations are all those within your College/School/Department of Education
  4. In the Custom Form tab across the top of the page, build out the following entries as you see fit (building the exact entries below and using the suggested answer types will generate data in the same format as the template provided by CAEP, but you may choose to break some of the questions up into smaller entities and/or change the answer types):
    1. Highest Degree, Field, & University (small text area)
    2. Assignment: Indicate the role of the faculty member (single line of text)
    3. Faculty Rank (drop-down menu)
    4. Tenure Track (radio buttons)
    5. Scholarship, Leadership in Professional Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major contributions in the past 3 years (small text area)
    6. Teaching or other professional experience in P-12 schools (small text area)
  5. When you finish building your entries, click “Create” at the bottom of the page.

This form will now appear in the Faculty Profile of faculty members who are aligned with at least one of the same organizations as the DBE and have a teaching record for the term they select in their faculty profile—if they are not teaching in their selected term, the DBE will not appear.

Faculty Completing the CAEP Faculty Data Form

  1. Faculty log into Tk20 and select the Faculty Qualifications side menu tab.
  1. From the Faculty Qualifications page, they’ll select Faculty Profile from the horizontal drop-down menu


  1. In the “Term Details” tab of the profile, they will scroll down and click the header that reads “CAEP Faculty Data” to open that form.


  1. Faculty can input their corresponding data, then click save.

Generating a Report of CAEP Faculty Data

To generate a report that compiles your CAEP Faculty Data, follow these steps: 

  1. Enter the Reports library by clicking the Reports tab on the side menu.


2. Search for Faculty Qualifications in the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

3. Click the title for report Faculty Qualifications 004: Faculty Roster Report

4. Select the desired parameters and click Generate.

NOTE: If you do not see data from your CAEP Faculty Data form you may need to click “Edit Columns” to adjust the fields that are included in the report.

Notes for Unit Administrators

  • If a faculty member is part of multiple rosters, s/he will have the CAEP Faculty Data form on their Term Details page for each roster individually. For example, if Chris Pratt is on the Faculty Roster for the organizations College of Education, BA Secondary Education, and Specialization in English, he will have the CAEP Faculty Data form listed 3 times per term in his Term Details page.
  • If multiple CAEP Faculty Data forms exist due to inclusion on multiple rosters, their order will correspond with their organizations’ levels in the hierarchy. For example, sticking with Chris Pratt’s rosters above, let’s say the institutional hierarchy looks like this:

USA University

College of Education

BA Elementary Education 
BA Secondary Education 
Specialization in Math 
Specialization in English 
Specialization in History

Because, of the three organizations in which Chris is included on the faculty roster, College of Education is the highest in the hierarchy, the first CAEP Faculty Data form listed in his term details page will be associated with that roster. The second CAEP Faculty Data form would related to the faculty roster for BA Secondary Education, etc. 

  • Data will only generate in the Faculty Qualifications 004 report for the rosters for which the CAEP Faculty Data form has been completed. For example, if Chris only completes the first CAEP Faculty Data form in his Term Details page, that data will only be included in the Faculty Qualifications 004 report when it is run for the organization of College of Education. If you want to generate the data for all of Chris’s faculty roster organizations, he will need to complete all of the CAEP Faculty Data forms included in his Term Details page.

Implications for Reporting

  • If you want to be able to generate CAEP Faculty Data at each roster level, Faculty will need to complete each of the CAEP Faculty Data forms in their Term Details page. If the data is the same for each organization, I would encourage them to copy and paste to save time.
  • If you only need to report CAEP Faculty Data for the College of Education as a whole, instruct faculty to only complete the first CAEP Faculty Data form in their Term Details page. Likewise, if you only need to report CAEP Faculty Data at the department level, instruct faculty to only complete the second CAEP Faculty Data form in their Term Details page, etc.

Appendix A: CAEP Faculty Information Form



Faculty Information 

Directions: Complete the following information for each faculty member responsible for professional coursework, clinical supervision, or administration in this program.


  Faculty Member Name  Highest Degree, Field, & University[1]  Assignment: Indicate the role of the faculty member[2]  Faculty Rank[3]  Tenure Track (Yes/No)  Scholarship,[4] Leadership in Professional Associations, and Service: [5] List up to 3 major contributions in the past 3 years [6] Teaching or other professional experience in P-12 schools[7]


[1] e.g., PhD in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Nebraska

[2] e.g., faculty, clinical supervisor, department chair, administrator

[3] e.g., professor, associate professor, assistant professor, adjunct professor, instructor

[4] Scholarship is defined by NCATE as systematic inquiry into the areas related to teaching, learning, and the education of teachers and other school personnel. Scholarship includes traditional research and publication as well as the rigorous and systematic study of pedagogy, and the application of current research findings in new settings. Scholarship further presupposes submission of one’s work for professional review and evaluation.

[5]Service includes faculty contributions to college or university activities, schools, communities, and professional associations in ways that are consistent with the institution and unit’s mission.

[6] e.g., officer of a state or national association, article published in a specific journal, and an evaluation of a local school program

[7] Briefly describe the nature of recent experience in P-12 schools (e.g. clinical supervision, in-service training, teaching in a PDS) indicating the discipline and grade level of the assignment(s). List current P-12 licensure or certification(s) held, if any.

 Happy reporting!


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