Note: Please avoid using Tk20 in multiple tabs and have it open only in one tab/browser at a time. Also, refrain from using the back button, as this may cause your session to time out and your work may not be saved. To have the best experience and ensure that your data is safely stored, please use only one tab when accessing Tk20.
Create an Application
- Go to your Applications tab and click on the Create New Application button.
- Select the appropriate application from the dropdown menu and click on the green Next button.
- Complete the application as directed. Any fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before you submit.
- Once you have started an application, you have 3 options:
- Save: Click this at any time to save your progress and return at a later time to finish the application.
- Submit: Submit your application for final review.
- Cancel: Exit the application without saving or submitting any changes.
Note: If you do NOT see the name of the application you need to complete, you may be attempting to complete an application AFTER its due date has passed. Contact your institution’s Tk20 administrator for assistance.
Return to a Saved Application
- Click on the Applications tab to display a list of all application forms you have created.
- Select the name of the application you wish to edit.
- When finished editing, click on Save or Submit.
Note: If an application has a picture of a lock by it, the application has already been submitted and must be recalled or re-opened for editing by an administrator.
The below video shows how to Submit an Application:
Recall a Submitted Application
If you need to make a change to a submitted application, you can recall it until it enters the review stage and is “locked” by an administrator. To recall an unlocked application, follow these steps:
- Click on the Applications tab to display a list of all of the application forms you have created.
- Select the name of the application you wish to recall.
- Click the Recall button on the bottom of the page.
- Make the needed changes and click on Save or Submit.
Note: If you are unable to recall your application, you can contact your institution’s administrator to help re-opening your application for editing.