Completing an Assessment Portfolio

Note: Please avoid using Tk20 in multiple tabs and have it open only in one tab/browser at a time. Also, refrain from using the back button, as this may cause your session to time out and your work may not be saved. To have the best experience and ensure that your data is safely stored, please use only one tab when accessing Tk20.

Viewing an Assessment Portfolio

  1. Click on Portfolios in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the Portfolio title located in the center of your screen.

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Browsing Portfolios

Portfolio Layout
  • Portfolio Tabs: each sub-tab represents a different section of the portfolio
  • Title & Instructions: title and pertinent instructions are located on the Assessment Portfolio cover page
  • Assessment: portfolio grader(s) assessments of your work
  • Extensions: your instructor may grant you extensions to complete your work
  • Feedback: your instructor may leave feedback about your work
  • Due Date: portfolio due date will be provided by your instructor

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Viewing a Portfolio

Completing an Assessment Portfolio

Artifact Attachment
  1. Click on the sub-tab to the right of the Assessment Portfolio cover page.
  2. Assessment Portfolios require you to fill in defined submission fields known as Artifacts. Click on Select underneath Attachment(s).


Attachments Area of Portfolio 

  • All fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before the system will let you add your artifact.
  • If you are required to attach additional documentation to your artifact, click on the Select files button to search for a file(s) on your computer, or drag and drop in the indicated area.  To remove the file, click the next to that file.


Attaching Additional Files 

  1. Once you have completed your artifact, click on Add. Your attachment will be listed underneath Attachment(s) as shown.


Attached Artifact(s) Shown under Attachments 

  1. Continue in a similar fashion until you have attached all required artifacts for each sub-tab of the Assessment Portfolio.


  • If you have previously created an artifact, it can be selected when attaching an artifact. Existing artifacts of the same type are located in the attachment sub-tab as shown.


Selecting a Previously Created Artifact 

  • If you are required to attach additional standards, click on the Standard(s) link for any artifact.
  • Click on Select to add Additional Attachments to your portfolio. (optional)


Reflections & Standards Appear under Artifact 

Submitting an Assessment Portfolio

Option 1: Submitting the Portfolio
  1. Click on Portfolios in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the Portfolio title located in the center of your screen.
  3. Attachments can be edited prior to submission by clicking on the attachment title.
  4. When you are done working on your Assessment Portfolio you can click on Submit.

The below video shows how to submit a portfolio:

Recalling a Submitted Portfolio

  1. Click on the Portfolios
  2. Make a checkmark next to the Assessment Portfolio, then click on recall_button (1).png.
  3. Click on the name of the Assessment Portfolio to edit it.
  4. Click on Save or Submit when you have completed making the changes.

Note(s): If you are unable to recall your Assessment Portfolio, you will need to contact an administrator for help in reopening your Assessment Portfolio for editing.cap_recallPortfolio-435x108.png

Recalling a Portfolio

Reviewing Assessor Feedback

  1. Login to your server and click on the Portfolios
  2. Click on the Assessment Portfolio you want to view.
Assessment Tool(s)

Click on the Assessment sub-tab to view your assessment(s).

Note(s): Your Performance Rating for each Criterion and comments from your instructor may appear in the Score column.

The Assessment Tab


Sample Assessment with Comments

File Upload Comments
  1. If you attached files to your assignment, your instructor may have left comments within the file. Click on the sub-tab containing your file.
  2. Click on the attachment title.
  3. Click on View next to your file to view any comments.

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Mouse over highlighted text to view annotation.

Share Your Portfolio

  1. From Portfolios located in the side menu of the Portfolios tab, click on the name of the portfolio you wish to share.
  2. Click on Share located at the top right-hand corner of the portfolio.
  3. Choose what to share with others.
  • Email: the email address(es) of the person(s) with which you wish to share your portfolio
  • Subject: a default subject will be included but may be changed
  • Share Tabs: check each tab you want to share
  • End Date: choose a date to close the portfolio for external viewing
  • Message: body of the email
  1. Click on Share.


Sharing a Portfolio

Help Resources

Tk20 has step-by-step tutorials, which can be accessed by clicking on Help located in the upper right corner of the Tk20 application.

You may direct general questions to the institution’s Tk20 administrator by logging out of the Tk20 application and following the information located on the login page.

You can also refer to the video linkStudent Submitting a Portfolio

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