Reporting and Analysis

LiveText Reports
Users can create comprehensive, clear reports in LiveText that visibly reflect the assessment process and assist in making meaningful improvements at the course, program and institutional levels. Individual and aggregated reports can be generated on student progress as well as on the meeting of outcomes and standards. A brief overview of the following reports will be provided in this section: the C1 Assessment Report, Curriculum Mapping Report, Rubrics Statistic Summary Report, Standards and Outcomes Alignment Report, Standards/Outcomes Report and the Student Profile Report.

C1 Assessment Report
The C1 Assessment Report can be used by both faculty and administrators to demonstrate student growth and levels of achievement on assessments. This report can be tailored to show the data collected for standards, courses, assessments, and assignments. Faculty and Administrators can choose to filter the information by dates, assessment type, and scoring type.

Faculty and administrators can cross reference assessment data with data collected in specific fields from LiveText forms (if the form was launched from their account). This is often used to separate assessment data by program or other data points. The requirement is that the individual or individuals being reported on must take the form and be assessed with the rubric. Any individuals who did not take the form will be excluded from the assessment report the moment the form is added. The form dataset must reside in the Admin Account and the dataset cannot be archived. Additionally, the student profile filters can be used to disaggregate assessment data for further analysis.

To create a C1 Assessment Report:
  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen.
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Assessment Report under the category --C1 only--


  1. Enter a Title
  2. Enter a Description (Optional)


  1. Select your Course Filters: Terms
  2. Select your Course Filters: Colleges
  3. Select your Course Filters: Departments
  4. Select your Course Filters: Location(s)
  5. Select your Course Filters: Course Sections
  6. Select your Assessment Filters: Assessment Rubric, Assessors
  7. Select the Assessment Type from the dropdown menu and select Formative or Summative. When no type is selected, the report will contain both Formative and Summative data
  1. Select Scoring Type from the dropdown menu and select Draft or Final. If no type is selected, the report will contain both Draft (Request Resubmission) and Final (Submit Assessment) data
  2. Select Inter-Rater Summary (optional and only available in an administrator account)
  3. Select Date Range (optional)
  4. Add Form-Based Filters (optional)
  5. Click View Report and the assessment data will be displayed visually in two formats: A table which represents the selected rubric section of an assessment document with its performance levels and elements. The numerical values displayed under the levels represent the total number of assessments scored at that level. A color-coded graph displays those same assessment totals by percentage
  1. To save the report for generating again at a later time, click the Save As button
  2. Click Export to CSV button to export data in a CSV

Curriculum Mapping Report
This report is designed to map the location of standards and outcomes to rubrics and other content with which they are associated. Administrators can generate a report that shows if standards and outcomes are mapped to a course, assignment, and/or rubric. This report is useful for all programs or institutions that do not have a curriculum map defined or fully developed. Results from this report can drive change and program improvement by displaying where standards and outcomes have been successfully aligned or not aligned at all.

Note: Standards and outcomes must be aligned to one of these areas in order for this report to be generated.

To create a Curriculum Mapping Report:

  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Curriculum Mapping Report under the category --C1 only--
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Enter a Description (optional)
  5. Select Criteria: Standard/Outcome Sets
  6. Select Criteria: Terms
  7. Select Criteria: Departments
  8. Select Criteria: Colleges
  9. Click View Report button located in the lower right corner of the report area. Using the legend, this report will display where a specific standard is associated; either at the rubric, assignment, or course level, or all three levels
  1. To save the report for generating again at a later time, click the Save As button
  2. Click the Export to CSV to export data in a common file format, CSV. This file can be imported into most data analysis tools

Rubric Statistics Summary Report
This report allows the administrator to generate a report that compares performances by gender and ethnicity. Many institutions and programs must track and report on diversity, and this specific report will provide entities with the information they need to make improvements and changes as they grow and the student population increases

To create a Rubric Statistics Summary Report:

  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Rubric Statistics Summary Report under the category --C1 only--
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Enter a Description (optional)
  5. Select the Institution
  6. Click the Student Gender dropdown menu and select Male or Female. If no gender is selected, the report will contain both Male and Female data
  7. Select one or more ethnic groups from the Student Ethnicity list box. If no Ethnic Groups are selected, the report will contain all Ethnicity data
  8. Enter the Date Range to specify the assessment period
  1. Click the View Report button located in the lower right corner of the report area.
  2. To save the report for generating again at a later time, click the Save As button
  3. Click Export to CSV button to export data in the common file format, CSV. This file can be imported into most data analysis tools

Standards & Outcomes Alignment Report
This report shows how standards have been aligned to courses, assessments, and assignments. Administrators can use this data as a reference to determine if they have successfully aligned standards and outcomes

To create a Standards & Outcomes Alignment Report:
  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Standards & Outcomes Alignment Report under the category --C1 only--
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Enter Description (optional)
  5. Select the Institution
  6. Select a Standard Set to be included in the report
  7. To generate a report that queries standards associated with Courses, Assignments, or Assessment Rubrics, select the type of association from the Associated with dropdown menu. If no choice is selected, the report will contain all associations
  8. Click the View Report button located in the lower right corner of the report area
  1. To save the report for generating again at a later time, click the Save As button
  2. Click the Export to CSV button to export data in the common file format, CSV. This file can be imported into most data analysis tools

Student Progress Report
This report allows administrators to track a student's completion of key/signature assessments that are aligned to required standard sets. Administrators can use this report to view a student’s progress and to see if the student has reached key points/ benchmarks within the program. Instructor’s comments are provided to show the student’s growth when assessed multiple times, as well as the name of the assessment.

Note: Rubrics MUST be aligned to standards in order to generate data for this report.

To create a Student Progress Report:

  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Student Progress Report under the category --C1 only--
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Enter Description (optional)
  5. Select the Institution
  6. Type in the first few letters of the student name or username. The auto complete system predicts the rest of the entry and generates a list of 15 possible completions from which to choose
  7. Select a Standard Set from the dropdown menu that will demonstrate how the student met each standard
  8. Click the View Report button located in the lower right-hand corner of the report area
  1. View Options: A student’s name can be hidden from view, and the user can toggle between viewing Points attained or Performance Level attained. Hiding the student name is useful when sharing reports with faculty or external reviewers where the student identity is not to be disclosed
  2. To save the report for generating again at a later time, click the Save As button
  3. Click the Export to CSV button to export data in a common file format, CSV. This file can be imported into most data analysis tools

Standard/Outcome Report
This an assessment report which maps the performance levels from disparate rubrics to common performance levels, then aggregates the data for all rubrics across the selected standards/outcomes. The assessment data comes from the assessment of course assignments and document review submissions. The report allows assessed data to be filtered by many criteria including rubric, assessment type (summative or formative), assessment status (draft or final), term, gender, etc.

To create a Standard/Outcome Report:

  1. Click the Tools tab located at the top of the screen
  2. Go to the Reports tab, click the New button and select Standard/Outcome Report under the category --C1 only--
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Add Description (optional)
  5. Check the box to make this report available in the ExhibitCenter (Optional)
  6. All the standard sets which have been aligned to rubrics in the selected domain are available in the Standard Set dropdown list. Select the set which contains the standards you wish to include. Only one set can be selected on this screen
  1. You can either Add the Entire Set or Refine Standards and search for specific standards within a set
  1. Option 1: Click the button to Add the Entire Set
  2. Click Finish Defining Standards. Additional Standard Sets can be added at this time by selecting from the Standard Set dropdown menu
  1. The total number of scored rubric documents aligned to defined standards will be displayed on this screen
  2. Option 2: Click the button from the Standard/Outcome home screen to Refine Standard(s)
  1. Search Standard by Keyword to select specific standard(s) within a set
  2. Click the Search button
  1. Select the specific standards that you would like to add to the report by checking the box next to the standard and click the Add Selected Standard(s) button
  2. Click Finish Defining Standards


The total number of scored rubric documents aligned to defined standards will be displayed on this screen.

  1. Select the rubrics to be included by clicking the checkbox in the left column
  1. If desired, optional reporting criteria can be defined by clicking the Add Optional Filters button
  2. Add the filter in the column on the left, and choose the data you wish to include in the report in the column on the right. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time
  3. Click Finish
  1. Click Finish Selecting Rubrics when all the criteria and filters have been selected
  1. Assessment data can be normalized from rubrics with different performance levels by selecting a value from the Standard Levels dropdown menu
  2. Select the number of performance levels that will be common for all normalized rubrics
  3. Type the names of the normalized performance levels into the text boxes
  4. Click Apply Standard Levels to complete the mapping on the next page
  1. Map each rubric level into the normalized performance level under the Standardized Level column. All levels must be mapped for selected rubrics or the report cannot be run
  1. Click the View Report button

Standard/Outcome Report Results

Rubric Count
The number of unique rubrics in which the listed standard is included.
Note: The same standard may occur multiple times in a single rubric, but the rubric will only be counted once.

Total Assessment Count
The total number of assessments that are aligned to the listed standard.
Note: This count may include multiple assessments of the same student.

Total Student Count
The number of unique students that have been assessed with a rubric aligned to the listed standard.
Note: This count includes students that were assessed at least once. Students who have been assessed more than once for a listed standard are still only counted once.

Performance Levels
The first number represents the level assessment count, which is the number of assessments scored at each level. The second number, in parenthesis, represents the level student count, which is the number of unique students assessed at each performance level.
Note: Students assessed at more than one performance level will be counted in the level student count for EACH level at which they were scored.

Export to CSV
The table is exported in CSV format with each number in a separate cell. The output can be opened in a spreadsheet application like Excel to allow for graphing, sharing, or statistical analysis.

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