Reviewing an Application

Note: Please avoid using Tk20 in multiple tabs and have it open only in one tab/browser at a time. Also, refrain from using the back button, as this may cause your session to time out and your work may not be saved. To have the best experience and ensure that your data is safely stored, please use only one tab when accessing Tk20.

Accessing Application Submissions for Review

  1. Click on the Applications tab in the main navigation menu.
  2. Click on Applications in the secondary menu.
  3. Click on Submissions.
  4. Type in your search parameters and click on the gray Search button to find the application you want to review. Your search results will appear below the search parameter fields.
  5. Click on the name of the student to begin evaluating his/her application. You will be taken to a split screen which will show the following:
    • Left side: Application information, including student name, due date, submit date, etc.
    • Right side: The contents of the student’s application, including checklists (if any), statuses, comments, etc.
  6. Use the gray Next and Previous buttons on the side side of the split screen to navigate through pages of the application, if applicable.
  7. When you are finished reviewing the application completely, click on the green Submit button.

Granting an Extension to an Application

    1. Click on the Applications tab in the main navigation menu.
    2. Click on Applications in the secondary menu.
    3. Click on Submissions.
    4. Type in your search parameters and click on the gray Search button to find the application you want to review. Your search results will appear below the search parameter fields.
    5. Click on the name of the student to begin evaluating his/her application. You will be taken to a split screen.
    6. On the right side of the split screen, select the Extensions tab, shown in the image below:

reviewAdmissionApp_extensions-435x205 (1).png

Granting an Extension

  1. Click on the gray Edit Due Date button to add an extension.
  2. On the Edit Due Date page, select a new due date and add comments.
  3. Click on the green Update button when you are finished to return to the student’s application. You will now see the new extension listed in the extensions tab.
  4. When you are finished, click on the green Submit button.
You can also refer to the video link:  How to Review an Application


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