Assessing a Course Binder

Note: Please avoid using Tk20 in multiple tabs and have it open only in one tab/browser at a time. Also, refrain from using the back button, as this may cause your session to time out and your work may not be saved. To have the best experience and ensure that your data is safely stored, please use only one tab when accessing Tk20.

Getting Started: Course Dashboard

  1. Click on Courses in the side menu.
  2. Click on Courses located in the side menu below.
  3. Click on Dashboard located in the side menu below. If you are unable to access the Courses Dashboard, you will need to contact your campus Unit Administrator for help.
  4. Select the Term from the drop down menu.
  5. Click on the Course sub-tab that contains the course binder you want to assess.
  6. Click on the number located below the Assessment(s) pending portion of the course binder you want to assess to view the students who have submitted their course binders.                                   

    Faculty Dashboard

  7. Click on the name of the student you want to assess to open a split-screen.
    1. On the left, you will be able to view the course binder details, the student’s submission within the created tabs, and any attached standards.
    2. On the right, you will be able to view the course binder’s assessment tool(s).                                     Assessment-Split-Screen.png     Assessment Split Screen

Viewing Student Submissions

Students have the option to attach three different types of work. These will be visible under the Submission(s) sub-tab.


Submissions Tab

  1. If the student has submitted a Tk20 artifact, you may click on the title of the Artifact and it will display on the left side of the screen.                                                                                                          

    Assessing an Artifact

  2. If the student has submitted a Tk20 text, you may click on the title of the Text and it will display on the left side of the screen.                                                                                                                             

    Assessing a Text Entry

  3. If the student has submitted a file upload, you may click on Download to save it to your computer, or you can click on View and Annotate to open the document in your internet browser.                   

    Download and Annotate a File Upload

    Download and Annotate a File Upload

    1. Select the text you wish to annotate.                                                                                                                                                           
      Select-the-Text (1).png

      Select the Text

    2. Then click on Edit to leave an annotated comment. Click Save to add your annotated comment.                                                                                                                                
      Save-the-Annotation (1).png

      Save the Annotation

    3. Hover with your mouse over the annotated area. Click on Edit to edit your comment or Delete to delete it.

Assessing Student Submissions

  1. Click on the name of the Assessment Tool.
  2. Complete the assessment by selecting the radio button for each criterion within the traditional rubric, as well as any additional questions and click Complete or Save.
    1. If you select Save, you save the entry and will remain in the Assessment Tool.
    2. If you click Save & Close, you save the entry and it will close the form.
  3. After you have completed the assessment tool(s), choose one of the following actions:
  • Submit: Submit the assessment for the student to see
  • Close: Exit the assessment tool without saving any changes (if you clicked Save in the assessment tool previously, these changes will be saved).


  • If available, comments may be left for each criterion within the score column of the rubric.                

    Optional – Comments per Criterion

  • A Grade may be entered for the student based on the Total Score.                                                                                                                                             
    Optional-–-Grade (1).png

    Optional – Grade

Granting an Extension to the Student

An extension may be granted to a course binder with a status of Not submittedAssessment pending, or Assessed. The steps below are for a course binder submitted and assessed, as this requires an initial step of revoking the course binder. For course binders with a status of Not submitted or Assessment pending, the revoke step below (7 b.) is not needed, but an extension may still be granted. 

  1. Click on Courses in the side menu.
  2. Click on Courses located in the side menu below.
  3. Click on Dashboard located in the side menu below. If you are unable to access the Courses Dashboard, you will need to contact your campus Unit Administrator for help.
  4. Select the Term from the drop down menu. The current term is selected by default.
  5. Click on the Course sub-tab that contains the course binder you want to assess.
  6. Click on the number located below the Assessed portion of the course binder (indicated in green) you want to grant an extension to view the students who have submitted their course binders.
  7. Click on the name of the student you want to grant an extension to open a split screen.
    1. Course binders typically have more then one assessment tool used. Click on the name of an assessment tool to open.
    2. Click on Revoke on the upper right.
    3. Click on the Extensions sub-tab
    4. Click on Edit Due Date.
    5. Enter a New Due Date/Time and Comments and click Update.                                                                                                     

      Extensions Tab

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