Performance by Rubric Criteria Report

The customized performance report allows you to generate folio assessment performance reports based on selected rubric criteria used to evaluate items in one or more DRF Templates. Since a variety of rubric criteria can be selected for each report, it is fully customizable. From this area, you can access and edit custom report formats you have already created, and generate reports on report formats created and shared by other TS Coordinators in your learning community.


Running a Performance by Rubric Criteria Report

To begin, click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar.Screen_Shot_2023-02-20_at_3.25.36_PM.png


From the TS Coordinator menu, click on DRF Program Reports.



Then click Performance by Rubric Criteria Report link from the Performance/Outcome Assessment Reports section of the Reports Menu.



The Create/Select Format page allows you to either:

  • Create a new report format (click Create a New Report Format) OR

  • Select to run an existing report format that you or another Coordinator from your learning community created.

    • If you are choosing to run an existing report, click Generate Report, and skip to Report Filtering Options.


Note: You can only view existing formats if you have previously created report formats. You can only view shared formats if others in your organization have created report formats.


Create a New Report Format

  • From the Create New Report Format page, enter a title for your report format.

  • From the Select DRF Templates scroll-box, choose the DRF Template(s) from which you want to select rubric


  • To make multiple selections, hold down the CTRL key and click your selections.

  • (Optional) If you have chosen to build folders for organizational purposes, you can choose to file your new format

    in an organizational folder that you identify in the Add to Folder pull-down menu.

  • Click Create New Format. The Edit Format page loads.


To create rubric criteria groups, click Add Rubric Criteria Group.


Add a name for the group and click Apply Changes.


To connect rubric criteria to the groups, click Add/Edit Rubric Criteria to Group.


Select the rubric criteria you wish to include in your group. To select all criteria in a rubric, choose the Criteria Select All checkbox.

After you have selected all the appropriate criteria for that group, click Apply Changes.


(Optional) If you create a format including criteria from multiple DRF Templates, you can select rubric criteria for each DRF Template separately. Use the Pull criteria from DRF Template pull-down menu to add or remove DRF Templates from your format. If you do not save your selections prior to selecting criteria from another DRF Template, the system advises you to click OK to do so.


Note: If the same rubric is used for multiple requirements in a DRF, the rubric criteria are listed for each occurrence in the DRF Template(s). By selecting the same criteria for each DRF area, it is possible to generate a report to view how well Authors performed on the specified criteria across different assignments or different DRF Templates.

After selecting the appropriate criteria to your Rubric Criteria Group, you will return to the Edit Format page. You can add additional rubric criteria groups and/or connect more rubric criteria to existing criteria groups. The criteria group title appears in a gray bar. The criteria within that group appear in the white areas underneath the group, along with the area of the DRF where the criteria were being used and the title of the DRF Template from which the criteria was pulled.

When you have finished editing the groups and you are ready to navigate to the results, click Generate Report.



Report Filtering Options

Select individuals to include in your report

In the Select whom to report on area, choose your report option from the following:


  • All Authors in one or more Programs

  • Random sample of Authors in one or more Programs (filter by date is not available for this selection)

  • All Authors evaluated by a particular Evaluator

    Note: When you select All Authors evaluated by a particular Evaluator or All Authors grouped with a particular

    Evaluator, you can select Multiple Evaluators from an Evaluator list.

  • A single Author (you cannot run a filter by date report on a single author)

  • Advanced search (This option allows you to filter report results by demographic information collected about Authors in Taskstream. Demographic information can be entered manually by students or imported. For more information about enabling demographic data collection for your organization, please contact Mentoring Services).


Filter by Date


In the Filter by date method section, you can select from:


  • Include all evaluation dates.

  • ONLY include items evaluated within a defined date range (use the calendar widgets to select your dates or enter

    dates free-form in the mm/dd/yyyy format).

  • ONLY include evaluated items submitted within a defined date range (use the calendar widgets to select your dates or enter dates free-form in the mm/dd/yyyy format).

  • Once you have made your selections, click Continue.

Note: In the search results, when there are multiple submissions or evaluations for work, the system ONLY includes the latest submission or evaluation.


Select the DRF Program(s) to include in your report

In the Select Programs page, choose from programs that you have created or for which you have been assigned to run reports are displayed on this page. (Optional)To mark all programs listed, click Select All.


When you have made your selections, click Continue to view the report results.



The report results are displayed at three (3) basic levels: the main report results, rubric criteria group details, and Author details.


Main Results

This view displays a summary of performance for each rubric criterion in the selected report format.


In this screen, you can use the checkboxes at the top to customize the information you would like included in the report.

You can also use the links at the top right to Export to Excel, Print, or Save this report.

Note: Saving a report saves your report preferences, it does not save the results because if the reports are tied to an active program, then the data is subject to changes as evaluations continue to be recorded.

Click the name of a specific rubric criteria group or the magnifying glass icon to view group details.



Group Details

The rubric criteria group report provides a summary of each Author’s performance on each rubric criterion in the selected rubric criteria group.


In this screen, you can use the checkboxes at the top to toggle the view of evaluator criterion comments and/or scores.

You can also use the links at the top right to Export to Excel or Print this report. You can then look at individual Author performance for each criterion.


Individual Author Report

To access an individual Author's report details, from the rubric criteria group details, click an Author's name or the magnifying glass icon near their name.

You will be brought to the full report for the selected individual.


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