About the Performance by DRF Category Report
This report shows requirement and/or category performance in single or multiple DRF programs or for a selected DRF Template.
The Performance by DRF Category Report can be generated for individual participants, all participants, or subgroups of participants.
Note that when multiple Programs are selected, you must generate the report for all participants. If demographics are in use by your organization, you can filter the report by these demographics.
From the main Summary report results page, you can drill down to two layers of detailed views of performance by DRF category:
- View detailed results showing the performance of authors for a specific DRF Category/Requirement.
- Within a category, you can click a name to view the performance of a specific Author.
In addition, the detailed Category/Requirement results page includes alternative views of special information:
- If the Programs included in your report require multiple evaluations, access the Multiple Evaluator view to display information on the individual Evaluators' scores and the reconciliation.
- If the Programs included in your report have undergone revisions, access a Revision History view to display information on the individual Evaluators' scores and the revision history.
Evaluations are included in this report when they are marked as final, whether or not they have been released to the Author. Similarly, for Categories/Requirements that require multiple Evaluations, the report contains only those for which reconciled Evaluations have been generated, whether or not the reconciliation has been released to the Author.
Report results can be exported to Microsoft Excel for manipulation, archiving, or both.
Running a Performance by DRF Category Report
The Performance by DRF Category report shows performance for each requirement and/or category in a DRF. Reports can be generated for individual participants, all participants, or subgroups of participants. Report results can be exported to Microsoft Excel for manipulation, archiving, or both.
To begin, click TS Coordinator from the top menu bar.
From the TS Coordinator menu, click DRF Program Reports.
Then click the Performance by DRF Category Report link from the Performance/Outcome Assessment Reports section of the Reports menu.
Select whether to run the report on a single DRF template or on one OR multiple DRF programs.
Select on whom you wish to report.
- All Authors in one or more Programs using selected DRF Template
This option provides a view of the names of the Programs where the selected standards were used; select the Programs you
want to report on.
- Random sample of Authors in one or more Programs
This option prompts you to select the sample size of the group you want to return. You can select to include anywhere from 1% of the Authors enrolled in the Program to 50% of the Authors enrolled in the Program. You need to choose from which Programs you want to pull the sample from. Note: filter by date is not available for this selection.
- All Authors evaluated by a particular Evaluator
This option provides a list of Evaluators in each Program using the selected DRF Template; select the Evaluators you want to include in your report.
- All Authors grouped with a particular Evaluator
This option provides a list of Evaluators in each Program using the selected DRF Template with whom Authors are grouped; select the Evaluators you want to include in your report.
- A single Author
Type a name in the search box provided.
- Advanced search
This option offers search filter by demographics collected by your organization.
Authors that are eligible for an outside evaluation
(Only displayed as an option if this feature has been enabled.)
These evaluations are used as a basis for comparison to the original evaluation (e.g., for measuring inter-rater reliability). If you select this option, the next screen will prompt you to select which programs on which to run a report to compare outside evaluation with final evaluations. You will not be able to filter by date.
In the Filter by evaluation date area, you can choose whether you want to:
- Include all evaluations
- Include only items evaluated between certain dates
Please note: When there are multiple evaluations for a single item, the system ONLY includes the latest evaluation.
Click Continue to generate the report.
Report Results
There are three (3) main levels of report results: Main Report results, Category/Requirement results and Author Detail.
Main Report Results
The main report results will appear first. This displays a summary of all performance results in the specified DRF and Program(s) organized by category or requirement.
Category/Requirement Results
From the main results page, click the link (or magnifying glass icon) for a category or requirement in the DRF to view the details for that area. The category/requirement report shows the performance of the Authors who have access to the DRF area selected.
If the program(s) included in your report has undergone changes, you can view results for earlier versions of the program(s) by selecting Revision History (Progress over Time) from the Change View menu. Click Go. Your selected filters will return results based on the total number of Authors have access to the category or requirement.
If the Programs included in your report require multiple Evaluators to complete an Author’s evaluation on an area of the DRF, from the Performance Report Detail page, you can select this view to display information on the Evaluators’ scores and the reconciliation. Your filter options return results based on the total number of Authors who have access to the category or requirement.
Author Detail Results
From the DRF category/requirement report page, click an Author’s name or generate a performance report on an individual Author to access the Author Detail report. This report displays the selected Author’s performance results for each evaluated area of the DRF.
Saving your Report Results
In order to save the results of a Performance by DRF Category Report for future reference, first click Save Report in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
On the next page, enter a name for the saved results, and you can optionally give it a brief description and save it one of your Taskstream folders. If you check on the box next to “Allow Site Coordinators in your administrative area to access this report,” that will enable other TS Coordinators at your learning organization to view these report results as well. Click Save New Report when you have made your selections.
To access your saved reporting results, first return to your Program Reports page by clicking on TS Coordinator at the top of your screen, and then on the DRF Programs and Reports link (see page 3 above for images). Then, click the link in red text that tells you how many reports you have saved.
From your list of saved reports, you can click either the View button, or the name of a saved report in order to see the data associated with that report. By checking the box next to Show Details in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you toggle whether this list displays additional information such as the DRF Template and Program used in the report, as well as if you filtered the Authors according to Demographic information.