Assign Workspace Manager/ Reviewer/ All Access Permissions
Watermark Support
To assign an AMS Workspace Manager in Taskstream, follow these steps:
From the AMS Coordinator menu in the left panel of the account home page, click the Workspace Tools link, then click Workspace Management.
Click either the name of the Workspace or its corresponding Edit button.
Click on the (3) Enrollment tab to access the Workspace Enrollment page.
Click the Edit Permissions link for ANY of the Workspace Managers. You are navigated to a page with ALL Workspace Manager and Review Manager permissions.
Assign the appropriate permissions to the designated Workspace Managers and Review Managers. Coordinators marked with a double asterisk (**) have “All-Access Permissions” and are able to access Participating Area workspaces directly.
To have this Special Subscriber Permission (SSP) assigned, contact the Watermark Support Team (click Submit A Requeston ourHelp Center).