To enroll a participating area into a workspace in Taskstream’s AMS, please follow the steps below:
1. From the AMS Coordinator menu on the manager account homepage, click the Workspace Tools link.
2. Next, click the Workspace Management link.
3. Select the workspace by clicking on the title or its corresponding Edit button.
4. Go to tab 3. Enrollment.
5. Click the Participating Areas button near the top, right side of the page.
6. In the resulting Member Locator pop-up window, find the new Participating Area(s).
-This can be done by typing the name of the Participating Area in the Search by Participating Area Name field.
-You may also click the Expand button and then select an area from the organizational hierarchy (more than one area can be selected at one time by clicking the Advanced Search button).
7. The selected area(s) will appear in the Search Results middle column. Click the check box next to the area(s) you wish to enroll in this workspace.
8. Those areas will then appear in the right-hand column (called Selecting Participating Area). Click the Continue button to enroll the areas.
9. If you DO NOT wish to restrict visibility for the workspace requirement areas, click the Apply button in the Select Visibility for New Participating Area(s) window.
10. It will now be possible to assign the level of access (No Access, View Only, View & Edit) for each individual account affiliated with any Participating Area(s) that has been enrolled into this workspace.
Enroll Participating Area in Workspace
Watermark Support