Uploading Student Artifacts Using Bulk Upload

There are two options for uploading students and artifacts to an Assignment.

• Add Roster – Selecting Add Roster will allow you to add a roster of students first and then add work individually to each student’s record

• Bulk Upload (CSV+ZIP) – This method will allow you to upload a roster of students and a ZIP file which will map each file with a student automatically based on information from the roster

To upload student submissions using the Bulk Upload tool, you must have Assessment Coordinator or Faculty access. Once you've accessed the account, select the Project you’d like to work in. Once you have selected your Project, click the Manage Evidence button from the navigation bar on the left-hand side.  


Select the Actions button for an Assignment in which you’d like to upload students and submissions to, then select Manage Submissions.


If you are adding students and submissions to an Assignment with courses that do not have any students already enrolled in them, you will need to start with a clean roster.

If you are adding students and submissions to an Assignment under a course that has already has students enrolled under a different Assignment, you may add those students to your roster.

Once you have selected to start with a clean roster or to add students from another Assignment into your roster, select the Bulk Upload (CSV + ZIP) button on the next page. In the pop-up window, select the Download CSV Template link. The template will contain the required column headers for the roster upload.


Please note, the column headers in your CSV Template may vary depending on the attributes your institution chooses to collect. The minimum attributes required are Student ID, Course Code, Section ID, Term, and File Name. Your CSV Template may also include column headers for Name, Email Address, Course Grade, and/or Assignment Grade.

You will also need to upload a compressed file with the student artifacts. The file names of each artifact must be included in the CSV Template under the File Name column. OAP uses this information to map submissions in the ZIP file to students in the roster. The file names must include the file extension, i.e. .pdf, .doc, .docx.


Please note, ZIP files may not exceed 1 GB. Additionally, video files in your ZIP file may not exceed 500 MB. If your files exceed 1GB, you will need to compress them prior to uploading them into OAP. Additionally, video files may take a few minutes to load. Once you’ve added your videos, you will see a progress bar appear under each student’s record.

Once your files have been successfully uploaded, you may view or edit the name of the file, or remove the file by selecting the drop-down arrow next to a student’s record. After you have reviewed your files, select the Submit Students for Scoring button.


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