Training Materials Overview

Faculty/Staff Guide

We provide a general guide on the "nuts and bolts" of using Faculty Success from a faculty perspective. This resource is publicly available in this help center, so it can be accessed by any of your users. It is broken up into multiple articles, all contained within our Getting Started section for Faculty Success

The main guide reviews the following topics:

  • Customizable CVs for faculty
  • Importing Publication data directly from other repositories
  • Importing Publication data from other repositories via a BibTeX import

All users will find a link to this guide on the Manage Activities menu:


Supplementary Faculty Training Materials

As every implementation of Faculty Success is different, the Faculty/Staff Guide is meant for general use across all institutions, so it will not include any references to your specific processes or customizations. It's more of a how-to guide for the tool itself, rather than a guide to your particular instance of the system. With that in mind, you may want to create your own training materials to supplement the Faculty/Staff Guide.

Your supplementary documentation should address common questions and FAQs from your faculty around your institution's standards and processes. For instance, you should address questions like:

  • How much data should I enter?
  • When is my report due?
  • Once I've generated my reports, do I need to send it to someone, or will the report be run on my behalf by another user?

MORE: See examples of training materials compiled by other institutions

Customizable Faculty Success & Reviews, Promotion and Tenure Client Resources Kit 

We've created sample presentations to help you launch to your faculty. Many slides are ready to use, but be sure to note and update the slides requiring your institution's custom information. These have been uploaded to the end of this article for your convenience.

Watermark Client Resources Kit 

Whether you’re just starting out or have been a long-time member of the Watermark Community, the Client Resources Kit can assist you in beginning or continuing to communicate your goals and vision for improving outcomes.  In the kit you'll find suggested approaches for communicating why your institution is partnering with Watermark and how your selected Watermark solutions align with the goals of your institution. You can customize these resources and use each best practice as an opportunity to reinforce your institution’s commitment to improving learning.

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