This release introduces:
- A "Roles" import in System Administration, which will allow for user roles to be updated or removed in bulk.
- An improved user interface across multiple areas (See "Key Interface Updates" below for a list of changes)
Introducing the Bulk Roles Import
We are excited to announce a major update with the release of the Roles import, a new feature in System Administration designed to streamline bulk updates and removals of user roles.
This feature will allow:
- Update People Roles in Bulk: Modify existing roles for users across products in a single import.
- Remove Roles in Bulk: Remove roles from users efficiently by setting their role to "None."
How the Roles Import Works
The Roles.csv file enables administrators to manage user roles in bulk. It requires three columns:
- Person ID: The unique identifier for the user (from People.csv).
- Product: The product associated with the role (e.g., PSS, SLL, IH).
- Roles: The roles to assign, separated by a pipe delimiter (|) for multiple roles.
Sample Use Cases:
Update Roles: Change a user's roles, replacing their existing roles with the new ones specified.
- Example: A user with "Administrator" and "Contributor" roles can be updated to have only "Contributor."
- Remove Roles: Set a user's role to "None" to remove all roles for a specified product.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do I need to include all users in Roles.csv? | No, only include users whose roles you are updating. |
Why does the export not include all users? | Exports only include users with roles. |
How do I remove roles in bulk? | Set the role field to "None" for the user and product in Roles.csv. |
How does this differ from People.csv imports? | Roles.csv includes three columns: Person ID, Product, and Roles. For multiple roles in one product, use a pipe delimiter (e.g., `Contributor |
What if a user has roles in multiple products? | Use one row per product-role combination. For example, a user with roles in PSS and IH requires two rows. |
Validation Errors & Resolutions
Validation Scenario | Error Message |
Person ID is missing or invalid | “Person ID is required and must exist in the institution.” |
Duplicate Person ID and Product | “Only one combination of Person ID and Product allowed. Check for duplicate rows.” |
Empty or invalid Product | “Product field is required. Valid values: PSS, SLL, IH.” |
Invalid Role Value | “The role supplied is not supported. Refer to System Admin CSV Import Guidelines for accepted roles.” |
Multiple Roles Incorrectly Formatted | “Roles must be separated by a pipe delimiter (‘ |
Roles Conflict for SLL | “This product allows only one role. Valid roles: SLL_Administrator, SLL_Faculty, SLL_Student. To remove roles, supply ‘None’ without additional roles.” |
Invalid Role-Product Combination | “The product role supplied is not supported. Check System Administration documentation.” |
Pro Tips for Using Roles.csv
- First Export People.csv: Use the People.csv export to find Person IDs for users you want to update.
Use Required Formatting:
- Multiple roles must use the pipe (|) delimiter.
- For a product allowing only one role, ensure only one valid role is listed.
- Review Validation Errors: Errors provide row-specific feedback to help you correct issues quickly.
For more detailed instructions, refer to System Administration CSV Import Guidelines
Improved Front End User Experience
We are thrilled to announce a significant update to the System Administration interface, bringing a sleek design, improved workflows, and advanced functionality. These enhancements aim to streamline the management of courses, sections, cohorts, and enrollments while making navigation intuitive and efficient.
Key Interface Updates
Features | Update |
New Page: Courses & Sections |
Previously called "Courses," this revamped page now combines course and section management into a single, streamlined interface. Key features include separate tabs for managing Courses and Sections, offering advanced tools for enrollments and organization. |
The standalone Enrollments page has been removed. | Course section enrollments are now accessible under the Courses & Sections page, while cohort enrollments are managed under the new Cohorts page. |
New Page: Cohorts | A brand-new Cohorts page has been added to the left-hand navigation, providing centralized tools for managing cohort enrollments. |
Person ID is the Primary data on People Page | Person ID is now displayed in the main listing table. Acts as a clickable link, opening the new View Person Details Page, where users can view and edit person information. |
Streamlined Navigation | Logical grouping of features under Courses & Sections and Cohorts improves usability. |
CSV Import/Export | Flexible bulk data management across courses, sections, and cohorts. |
Advanced Search Options | Improved filtering and search tools for faster and more accurate results. |
Detailed Pages | Access drill-down views with actionable management options for courses, sections, and cohorts. |
Above shows the user on the new “Courses & Sections” page and toggled to the Courses tab, showing all Courses in the institution. This is also where users will manage their course section enrollments. The “Cohorts” page is new and is where one manages cohort enrollments as well. The “People” page is highlighted as it has some minor navigational changes.
People Page Enhancements
Key Feature Updates | Description |
Person ID as Primary Identifier
Advanced Organization Filtering |
Roles.csv Import/Export |
Above highlights some of the changes to the People page. First, we have a new column - Person ID - where one can drill down into a Person Details Page by clicking on the Person ID. Also highlighted the new advanced search and select component when looking at Organizations on the People page.
Courses & Sections Overview
The Courses & Sections page now includes two tabs:
- Courses
- Sections
Courses Tab Features |
Description |
Import/Export Data |
Import/export courses, sections, and enrollments via CSV files. |
Add New Entries |
Manually create new courses or sections directly from this page. |
Search & Filtering |
Advanced search by course name, organization, or course code. |
Course Details Navigation |
Click a course name to open the Course Details Page for additional management options. |
Above shows the user on the new “Courses & Sections” page and toggled to the Courses tab, showing all Courses in the institution. Clicking on the Course name will bring the user into the “Course Details” page. Also on this page one can add and update courses, sections and enrollments either manually or by csv. An advanced search/select component when filtering by an Organization is also highlighted.
Sections Tab Features |
Description |
Import/Export Data |
Import/export sections and enrollments via CSV files. |
Add New Sections | Manually create new sections directly from this page. |
Search & Filtering | Search and filter sections by section number, ID, term, instructor, course name, or organization. |
Section Details Navigation | Click a section name to open the Section Details Page for specific management. |
Above shows the user on the new “Courses & Sections” page and toggled to the Sections tab, showing all Sections in the institution. Clicking on the Section Number will bring the user into the “Section Details” page. Listing of all Instructors in a particular section are also shown. Also on this page one can add and update courses, sections and enrollments either manually or by csv. An advanced search/select component when filtering by an Organization and/or Terms are highlighted.
Course Details Tab Features | Description |
View/Edit Course Data |
Update course name, code, parent organization, and count of associated sections. |
Manage Sections | Import a sections.csv file or manually add/edit sections directly on this page. |
Search & Filter | Search and filter sections by number, ID, term, or instructor. |
Section Navigation | Drill down to the Section Details Page for specific section details. |
Above shows the Course Details page. Here all sections of a course will be listed. One can manually edit the course details on the page, as well as add a section via csv or manually. One can also search among all of the sections. To go to the “Section Details” page click on the Section Number highlighted above, where one can manage student and instructor enrollments for a particular section.
Section Details Page Features |
Description |
View/Edit Section Data | Update section number, ID, term, instructor list, and enrolled student count. |
Manage Enrollments | Import/export section enrollments via CSV or manually add/remove students and instructors. |
Search & Filter | Locate instructors or students by name, ID, or email with advanced filtering options. |
Above highlights the Section Details page where one can view and edit section details, and view current instructor and student enrollments. To manage enrollments see the dropdown highlighted above to go to either the Manage Instructor or Student Enrollments pages.
Above shows a user managing their institution’s student enrollments manually in System Administration. A search and filter is available and easily highlights selections prior to clicking save enrollments. The above view is the same experience when managing instructor enrollments and cohort enrollments.
Cohorts Management
Cohorts Page Overview and Features | Description |
Import/Export Cohort Data |
Manage cohort enrollments efficiently using CSV files. |
Add New Cohorts |
Manually create new cohorts directly from this page. |
Search & Filtering |
Search by cohort name, code, program, or term for targeted management. |
Cohort Details Navigation |
Click a cohort name to access the Cohort Details Page for additional options. |
Above shows the new Cohorts page. Access the Cohort Details page by clicking on the Cohort Name.
Cohort Details Page and Features |
Description |
View/Edit Cohort Details | Manage cohort name, code, affiliated program/organization, entry term, projected end term, student count, and status. |
Cohort Status | Note: Cohort status (active/disabled) is informational and does not affect downstream product data. |
Search & Filter Enrollments | Filter enrollments by name, ID, or email. |
Manage Enrollments | Import/export cohort enrollments via CSV or manually add/remove students. |
Above shows the Cohort Details page where one can view and edit cohort details, and view current cohort enrollments. To manage enrollments see the highlighted box above to Manage (Cohort) Enrollments.
***Image previously shown above on Managing Section Enrollments highlights the search and select process to manually enter enrollments.
Question | Answer |
What can I delete and not delete in System Admin? |
See this article for details. Deletion permissions depend on roles and data type. |
How do I drop enrollments in bulk? |
Use the relevant CSV import (Courses, Sections, or Cohorts) for enrollments. |
Why can't I be both an instructor and a student? |
This is not currently supported. Users must be assigned one role per enrollment. |
Do SLL roles need to be set before enrolling? |
Yes, ensure users have the SLL_Student or SLL_Faculty role before enrolling them in SLL. Update roles in the People page. |
Does cohort status affect downstream data? |
No, cohort status is informational and does not impact integrated downstream data. |
Where can I find acceptable CSV formats? |
Refer to the System Admin CSV Guidelines for details on required headers and formats. |
How do I search for enrollments more efficiently? |
Use advanced filters by name, ID, organization, or ststus to refine your search. |