Adding Base Events to a Career Pathway

Now that the Career Pathway has been created, you will need to configure the Career Path timeline. This article will provide steps for adding events to the Career Path.

Accessing Career Path and adding Events

1. Select "Career Pathways" from the Navigation Bar, then select "Configuration." 

2. Locate the Career Path you would like to add events to and select the three dots on the top right hand corner. Select "Edit", then click Next to build the Timeline. Editing Career Pathways.png

3. To create your timeline, either select a Base Event on the left Tools pane, or select “Add Event” from the timeline. Next, select the Base Event you would like to add.adding event.png

4. After selecting the Base Event, the administrator description and settings will appear. Within the 'Details and Requirements' section, you may provide specific instructions for faculty members, such as deadlines, expectations, or guidelines. Additionally, you can attach any relevant campus policies, procedures, or forms that might be helpful to them. Click "Save" once completed. The Event name will be visible to faculty, while the description is only visible from the Career Pathway editor.administrator event settings.png

5. If you are ready to publish the Career Path, you may select "Publish." If you would like to draft this for a later time, you may select "Save and Continue Later."

Next Steps

After you've completed adding Events, you will need to assign the Career Path to your faculty. For detailed instructions, please refer to our guide Assigning a Career Path using Manage Faculty.

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