Shared Filters


Shared Filters allow SS&E staff and faculty users to create a filter that can be shared with other users. This allows the institution to define subpopulations that can easily be targeted by using a shared filter in campaigns, pipelines, scheduled messages etc.

  • All shared filters including the filter name, criteria, results, owner, person type, and who the filter is shared with, display in Filters Administration. For more information about Filters Administration, click here.
  • Hovering over the shared filter icon willl display the name of the filter owner.
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Enabling Filter Sharing: Filter Permissions

Shared Filter permissions are set in Role Administration.

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  • By default, the shared filter permissions are enabled only for the Administrator role.
  • To allow non-Administrators to share filters, grant role-based permissions to share with individuals and/or roles.
  • Each role has a Filters section that allows users to share filters with additional users and/or additional roles.
  • If a user has multiple roles, at least one role must have filter permissions enabled in order to use shared filters.
  • There are no permission settings controlling the Use only or Use/Edit options.

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  • If Person Types is enabled, Shared Filters are person type specific and cannot be shared between different person types.
      • Enabling Person Types allows staff and faculty to view and filter on different user types such as students, staff, faculty, prospects, and applicants on separate "people" pages, instead of viewing all different types of SS&E people on one "Students" page.
  • A newly shared filter will automatically appear in alphabetical order with a blue dot that indicates a new filter was shared from another user. Once the filter is clicked on or the user logs in a second time, the dot disappears.
  • Changes to a filter propagate to all users:

    • Any changes made to the original shared filter will automatically display everywhere the filter is shared, ensuring consistent definition of a population throughout the institution.

    • Thus, filter owners should only grant edit access selectively to protect against their filter being changed haphazardly.
  • A user's roles determines if they can view shared filters outside of their caseload. Shared filters will display or be hidden based on each user's Profile View Configuration settings.
    • If a user cannot view people outside of their own caseload, a filter shared with them will not appear in their filters list since it cannot be used by that user.
  • Only the original owner can delete a shared filter. Once deleted, it will be removed automatically from all users where it was shared. Deleted shared filters that have been used in a pipeline, campaign, or scheduled message will not be removed.
  • If a person's role(s) change, their shared filters will automatically update to display only shared filters that are permitted for the new role(s).

Filter on Other User Caseloads

The Shared Filter release includes a saved/temporary filter option that allows users to optionally scope the filter results to only include students from selected user caseloads.

  • To include results from different user caseloads, select each user from the Caseload dropdown. 
  • If a user only has a limited profile view, and does not have the ability to view person records that are outside of their caseload, this option will be disabled and automatically display the logged-in user in the Caseload criteria. 

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Filter on Everyone

  • To filter on Everyone, leave the Caseload criteria empty.

Filter on My Own Caseload

To include results only from your own caseload, select "Limit to my caseload" which will automatically populate the logged-in user name in the Caseload criteria field.

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How to Share a Filter

  1. Create a new filter on the People page.
  2. Select the three dots next to the filter name.
  3. Click on "Share".
  4. Select which users and roles can view and/or edit the filter.
    • This depends on the logged-in user security role(s) settings.
    • If a user is not assigned any role with sharing permissions, the "Share" option will not display on a filter three dot action menu.
    • If the filter has been shared in the past, selecting "Share" will display all the users and roles it has been shared with already.
    • A filter can be shared with unlimited roles.

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How to Un-Share a Filter

  1. Select the three dots next to the filter name.
  2. Click on "Share".
  3. Select the users and/or roles you wish to unshare the filter with.

Unsharing a filter will remove the filter from the user's Person Type filter list so they will no longer have access to the filter and it will no longer appear in their Staff View.

Unsharing a filter will NOT remove a shared filter from any users' pipeline, campaign, or scheduled message.

Filter Search

The Search field displayed above the default Everyone and Caseload filters allows users to search for a filter by entering part or all of the filter name.

  • Searching for matching filters is not case sensitive.
  • If matching filters are found within a folder, the results will display each folder with the filter listed underneath.
  • The Filter Search filters that match the search criteria, not folder names.

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