With the release of 7.0.0, new data feeds and new fields were added that allow institutions to import additional High School and Application data for filtering and reporting purposes.
Once imported, this data is now visible from the UI on the Application and High School Student Filter categories, Student Profile tab High School data, and the Student Applications tab.
In order to view/report on the new Application and High School information, this requires that either Watermark Professional Services staff or institutional staff first setup the new data feeds/fields used for importing this data via the SIS Import process. Institutions with a support plan may utilize their plan to assist with these changes.
To view the new data feed definitions, these are listed on the SIS Import Definitions article found here.
All of the student filter options that can optionally display for staff users in the Student Filter are configurable in Student Search Filters from Person Type Settings.
For more information about High School/Application Student Filters Grouping and Scope, click here.
High School and Application filters included limited criteria.
High School and Application filters include selection fields for optional data importing on the new data feeds/fields related to Person High School and Person Application data.
Student Profile - High School Data
High School data found on the Student Profile tab now includes a hyperlink on the High School Name.
Clicking on a high school name will open a new modal that includes additional information about the Person High School record.
Each Person High School modal includes fields for optional data importing on the new data feeds/fields related to the Person High School record. For example:
- If "Years Attended" values are not imported, this field will not display on the UI.
- If only a start date is included in the SIS Import, the End Year will display as a question mark.
Student Profile High School Modal - UI Changes
New Data Feeds
- High School Graduation Type
- High School Transcript Status
- High School Transcript Type
Person High School - Additional Fields
The following new fields were added to the Person High School data feed import:
Student Applications Tab
The Applications tab displayed limited Person Application data.
The Student Application tab includes additional fields for optional data importing on the new data feeds/fields related to the Person Application record.