Within the Role Manager, you will see a role labeled "access current year". This role is inherited by the "workflow draft" role, which is designated for catalog editors. The "access current year" role doesn't need to be individually assigned to user profiles, as it is automatically inherited by all user profiles with catalog editing access.
This role gives users "Read" access to each catalog as it is created and rolled over, including the calendar year item and all its descendants.
When using the new Catalog Rollover tool, this role is not automatically assigned with the new calendar year. This allows administrators to restrict access to the newly created catalog until they are ready for editing.
Once they are ready and need all users to see/access the newly created draft catalog, "Read" access can be added to this role for the new year.
You can reach out to support for this request, OR you can follow the steps below to enable this access for all users with catalog permissions:
- Select the new calendar year item for the newly created draft catalog and click on the Security tab within the tool ribbon. Select "Assign".
- Click "Add"
- In the Search field, enter "current year", hit Enter.
- Double-click on a role to open the next window where you can assign securities.
- Check the Item and Descendants checkboxes on "Read"
- Then click OK.
All users with catalog editing rights will now see the new catalog in their content tree when logged in.
Please contact support if you have further questions or require assistance with this permission adjustment.