Report Builder allows each user to create their own custom reports based upon the main sources of content used in Student Success & Engagement.
- Built-in reports will be listed on the Reports page along with any new reports created by users.
- Custom reports are user specific. If a report needs to be shared, the same criteria (displayed on the Report Edit page) can be shared with another user to create/run an identical report.
Quick Start Tips
- Select the report source.
- Name the report.
- Select the columns that represent what data/content will display on the report.
- Select filters to narrow down the report by date/other criteria.
Make sure to use "Other Settings" to increase the number of rows to export to Excel if you are sending more than the default setting.
- By design, depending on the Edit Report selections, some report sources may display multiple records/rows with the same exact values in Excel.
- In order to view unique values, we recommend using the built-in Excel Data Tools "Remove Duplicates" function.
How to create a new report
In order to create a new report, the user will navigate to "Reports" in the primary navigation bar and then select "New Report" in the secondary navigation bar.
Here the user will see a list of everything that they can report on. These report sources include items such as Messages, Alerts, People, Enrollment, Notes, Tasks and many more.
Report sources are displayed based on Report Source Configuration permissions, please contact your SS&E Administrator for additional information and/or access to a specific report source if it is missing from your Reports page.
Once the user has decided on what they want to report on they will then be directed to the report R
Helpful Tips
Here are some tips that can help building custom reports in SS&E:
- Report Builder allows users to create their own reports based on the content displayed in SS&E.
- Report Sources are secured by role.
- By design, built-in reports can only export up to 10,000 rows into Excel. If the predefined report results are over 10,000 records, try creating a new report using the relevant Report Source since on custom reports the maximum rows that can be exported to Excel is 30,000.
- Select Help from the menu bar of a report source to view to see all the fields available within a report source.
When the report columns look for results displaying the "Full Name" of people, add a column to display the user role beside the name to help differentiate between users that have an identical/similar name.
- When building a report, make sure to select fields from the pertinent section. For example, on the Students report source, the same field can be selected as it pertains to a Student, Advisor, or Coach. Click here or scroll to the bottom of this page for additional Report Builder Q&A.
Missing Criteria
Use Multiple Report Sources
Identify the report sources (as many as needed) that include the filter and column data you are looking for.
- Columns represent the data displayed on the report itself.
- Filters represent the report criteria. Filters can optionally display on the report by checking "Prompt" on the far right. This adds the filter to the report so that it can be viewed or changed "on the fly".
- Build the reports, then save and run the reports in SS&E.
- Export two or more separate report source reports to excel.
- Combine the spreadsheets in Excel.
- Highlight all duplicate IDs to identify the cross-sections and find the additional information missing from one of the report sources.
Filter By Tag
Another option that usually works, is to create a filter for the "missing" data and then export the filter results to Excel, in order to create a Tag using "Assign Students to Tag".
For example, to show alerts for veterans, since the Person "Veteran" data point is not available on the Alerts report source, you can:
- In Tag Administration - Create a manual "Veteran" tag.
- Create a Student Filter for all students that are importing on the Person data feed with Veteran set to "True".
- Export the filter from step 2 to Excel.
- In Tag Administration, use Assign Students to Tag to assign the Veteran tag from step 1 to the student Ids from step 3.
- Using the Alerts report source, create a custom report that reports and filters on the manual "Veteran" tag from step 1.
Enhancement Request
In addition, if the above workaround solutions are cumbersome, please add a suggestion for the missing report source column/filter data point by entering an idea into the Watermark Ideas Portal.
Report Source Categories
Users can choose to build a custom report based on their (role-based) permissions.
Following is a grid listing the available report sources:
Select the topic you'd like to report on:
- The report must have a name however the description box is optional.
Customize the columns by adding, deleting, and dragging
- If you'd like to display the information as a chart complete the chart type drop down .
- Lastly, click save. Once saved select run. You may have to edit the report to capture the desired information.
- Once the report is completed to your satisfaction you can choose to export to excel and/or edit your dashboard to display the data.
- More information on editing your dashboard can be found here.
What does it mean when I select to filter on and/or display results for "Currently Enrolled" students?
- The 'Currently Enrolled' field is associated with the Person report source, which is referenced on multiple other report sources. This field indicates whether or not a person is registered in a course section that is active and the end date is after today.
Can I use Report Builder to find the number of students enrolled in a current program for all active programs?
Unfortunately, there is no way to filter by active program alongside the currently enrolled students. The closest data we can display is by using the Students report source, selecting the Student fields for Currently Enrolled and Primary Program.
- By using the Students report source, this limits the returned people to only include person records that are associated with the Student Person Type when you select fields under the 'Student' field selection header.
- By selecting these fields, the results will report on the 'number of students registered in a course section that is active and the end date is after today, grouped by primary program', which is different than the 'number of students currently enrolled in each active program'.