SS&E Reports Overview


To run reports in the Student Success & Engagement platform, click on the Reports icon displayed on the top right side of the screen.


Once you are in the Reports area, you will have multiple reporting options to choose from. 

  • Reports can be run either from system-wide pre-designed built-in reports or from report sources that allow users to create custom reports at the individual user level.
  • All reports and report sources are displayed based on individual user assigned role permissions.
  • If the Report icon is missing from the menu bar, this indicates that the logged in user role(s) do not have permissions to any report or report source.
  • SSE's self-service reporting tool allows you to build custom reports that work for you. If you need help creating a new self-service report, consider signing up for Advanced Reports Training with a consultant from the Watermark Academy.
      • If you have specific report requirements in mind and would like to first confirm that we can show you how to build that specific report in this training, please feel free to reach out to
      • Advanced training will include training on reports that can be built from one report source. Building a single report from multiple report sources is not offered at this time.
  • If a specific data point field is missing from a report source, this can be entered into AHA as a new product enhancement idea. When entering the enhancement request, please include the business reason why this is important and how it will help. Once entered into AHA, there is no guarantee that the idea will be included in a future feature release however the SS&E Product team will review enhancement ideas and update ideas with notes and/or decisions.

Built-In Reports

  • "Built-in" reports are predesigned reports that are categorized into different report groups.
  • The built-in "canned" reports cannot be edited or re-designed, and rather can only be used as-is by running a report using the available filters.

For example, in the following screenshot, Activity Management is a report category that contains a list of predesigned built-in reports.

2023-09-14 11_16_54-Settings.png

Report Source/Custom Reports

Custom reports are reports built from any of the available report sources customized based on the selected columns/filters.

  • The columns represent the actual data displayed on the report results, while the filters represent the data criteria.
  • It is recommended to include the filters in the columns selections so that you can see the data points that are being filtered upon within the report results.
  • In addition, selecting "Prompt" on any/all report source filters will include the report criteria on the report results page so that the report criteria is visible and can be changed on the fly.

Custom reports will only display on the Reports page UI after they are manually created on a specific "Report Source". 2023-09-14 11_22_13-Settings.png

  • Once a custom report is created, the report source that it is associated with will display on the Reporting page with a plus (+) symbol on it that can be used to add/build a new custom report using this report source. An existing report can also be edited at any time.
  • For information about Message Reporting, click here.

For example, in the following screenshot, Person is a report source and Activity Management is a built-in report menu.

      • The custom reports displayed under "Person+" will only display for the logged in user, since they were added at the individual user level. In the current product design, custom reports cannot be copied or shared with others.
      • To "share" a custom report, you would need to take a screenshot of the report "Edit" page and share that with others so that additional users can create the same report for themselves (If their user role permissions allow). Please keep in mind that any further changes would need to be managed/shared manually as well.


Report Permissions

  • The available "built-in" reports depend on what is assigned to any of your user assigned role(s) in Reports Administration.
  • The available report sources that allow users to build their own custom reports also depend on which report sources are assigned to any of your user role(s) in Report Sources Administration.

Note: If you are not assigned a role that is permitted to access a certain report or report source that you wish to use, please reach out to your SS&E Administrator to ask if someone else can run/share the report results and/or if your user role assignments can be changed.


For example:

Here is how permissions are assigned to a specific report:


Here is how permissions are assigned to a report source that enable custom report building:


How to run a report

Once a specific report is selected, then you will most likely be given further options that allow you to target your report data based on desired results.

For example:

  • When building a custom report using a report source, you will enter the report name, description, columns (eg. report content), filters (eg. report criteria/parameters) etc.
  • When building a report for Excel, make sure to check the value displayed in "Other Settings - Max Rows to Export to Excel".
      • This setting determines how many records export to Excel, and if set too low report results may be excluded from the Excel output. Optional values are 100, 500, 1000, 10k, 20k, 30k.
      • The default setting will only export "500" records to Excel.


  • Additional optional report settings are Ordering, Page Size, and Chart Type.


After filtering on the desired criteria, select "Run Report".


  • Filling out the report criteria is not always required to run a report.
  • If you leave filters empty then ALL matching data will be returned.
  • If further analysis is needed, you may choose to export the report results to an Excel spreadsheet by selecting "To Excel" from the top navigation bar.


User Assigned Role Permissions

Users will only be allowed to access reports that have been assigned to their specific user role(s).

  • If a report/report source is assigned to multiple roles, the user must be associated with at least one of the roles that is allowed access to the report/report source.

NOTE: Once a user has access to a specific report or report source, they will be granted access to ALL of the data within the report results regardless of other permissions settings.

  • For example, if a person has access to the Alert Detail report, they will be able to see ALL alert reasons and associated alert details displayed in the report results, even if they would otherwise NOT be allowed to view a specific alert reason/details from the UI. 

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