LMS Data is missing for one/select students


This article explains how to troubleshoot and fix a scenario where the course LMS ID is syncing and displayed correctly on the course section record in Course Section Administration, yet some students are missing all LMS enrollment data (current grades, LMS last login dates etc.) on the course sections, as seen from the student's Courses tab, while other students are displaying correct LMS enrollment data on the same course section in SS&E.

  • Before following the troubleshooting steps in this article, please make sure that Student Success & Engagement has synchronized Course Sections with the LMS.
  • If all students are missing all LMS Data on their Courses tab, yet this data displays correctly in the LMS System, check the LMS ID in Course Section Administration found here to verify that it is syncing the correct course section LMS ID from the LMS System.  
      • The Course LMS ID is usually managed through the LMS resolver, however, if the Course Section LMS ID in SS&E is not syncing correctly, you can edit the Course Section Administration record to manually update the course LMS ID.
      • If you manually change the LMS ID on the Course Section record, always check "Override LMS" to prevent the LMS resolver from changing this value in the future.

If ALL LMS Data is missing on one or some student records, then most likely there is an issue with the Person LMS ID that was matched up incorrectly between the LMS and the SIS/SS&E person data. To troubleshoot a Person LMS ID mismatch, use the following steps.

  • If a student is only missing some of the LMS enrollment data on some course sections/within the same course section, then this is not an issue with the person LMS ID. If some LMS data is syncing correctly on the student's Courses tab, then all LMS data should sync. 
  • If some data is missing, there is most likely something in the LMS source data that needs to be fixed.

Find The User Detail via Manual API Calls

These steps only apply to Canvas, Blackboard REST, and D2L LMS Integrations.

  • If this does not apply, skip to the next section below for instructions on how to check for duplicate LMS Person records on all LMS Systems.

In Canvas, Blackboard REST, and D2L LMS Integrations, from SS&E Administration - LMS Integration - Manual API Calls, use the "User Detail" feature to troubleshoot LMS grades and or login/submission dates not populating for only some/one/select students in SS&E.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. In SS&E Administration - LMS Integration - Manual API Calls, find the "User Detail" card.
  2. Enter the Student Id or the Student LMS Id syncing from the LMS System and click on submit to view the student information that SS&E is using to link the LMS student enrollment information with an SS&E/SIS enrollment (TranscriptCourse) record.
  3. If there is not a matching email address or Src System Id (SIS Id) on one of the fields returned, then SS&E is unable to match the LMS student enrollment with a SS&E student enrollment.
  4. When this happens, the student's LMS enrollment record will be visible in the course section "Enrollments from LMS" from here, and will not display on the student record.
  5. Copy the studentLmsId from the course section "Enrollments from LMS" response into the "User Detail" card and click on submit. This will immediately help determine what happened.
  6. If the email in the LMS is causing the missing data, populate the proper email address in the LMS.



How to Identify and Resolve Mismatched Student records in SS&E

***This section applies to all LMS systems.***

Occasionally, duplicate person records make their way into Student Success & Engagement from the SIS data import process causing the LMS enrollment data to "sync" with the wrong student in SS&E.

If SS&E has duplicate person (student) records with the same email address, and the duplicate/"bad" person record is matched up first with an enrollment (student) record synced from the LMS, this will cause ALL of the subsequent LMS data to synchronize with the "wrong" person in SS&E.

  • Even if the "duplicate" person is marked as inactive in SS&E, if the inactive person record has a matching email address to any other person record in SS&E, the LMS can still match with the wrong/inactive SS&E person record. If that happens, then as soon as the LMS matches up with an SS&E user, the system will no longer try to resolve the LMS data with another person in SS&E. Therefore, when this happens, it will prevent the LMS data from displaying on the correct student record in SS&E.

In addition, if the Person LMS ID syncing on "Enrollments from LMS" data is MISSING from People Administration and not found in SS&E, the LMS Data will not sync with any user in SS&E.

How to find missing or duplicate "LMS" person records in SS&E (requires Administrative access):

  1. On the Student Filter found here, search for the user.
  2. On their Courses tab, verify that they are registered in the current term and are missing LMS data (Current Grade, Last Login Date, Last Assignment Submission Date) in ALL course enrollments.
  3. Copy their User Id.
  4. Open People Administration found here, and search for the user by their user/institution id.
  5. From the results, copy the user's email addresses.
  6. Search for multiple users assigned to any of the user's email addresses found in step 5.
  7. If the results display more than one record, this most likely explains why LMS data is missing on the "correct" student record.
  8. Select the duplicate ("bad") user to check if they display a Person LMS Id on their user details.
    • If yes, it most likely means that the LMS system matched up first with the "wrong" person record in SS&E and this explains why LMS Data is missing from the correct student's "Courses" tab.

If there is no duplicate person record, check the LMS data in Course Section Administration "Enrollments from LMS" to search for the student record associated with the missing LMS data.

  • If an enrollment record exists in the "Enrollment from LMS" raw data syncing from the LMS system, yet the system cannot find a match for the student ID, student LMS ID, or student User Name with an SS&E person, this will explain why the data is missing in SS&E.
  • Most likely, the student is syncing from the LMS system with a user ID that is not associated with any person record in SS&E.
  • To check if the user is missing in S&E, copy the student ID, student LMS ID and student User Name from the "Enrollments from LMS" data and search People Administration for a match. If no records are found, this explains why the data is missing in SS&E.
  • To fix this, correct the student's identifying information in the LMS system OR in SIS/SS&E so that the LMS enrollment data will match with an SS&E person record. Then verify that the LMS data syncs with the correct person and displays in SS&E. For more information about LMS Data Synchronization, see here.
  • Verify that the student is associated with the correct email address to ensure that the user is able to receive communication from SS&E.
      • For example, if the student is syncing from the LMS with their edu primary email address, yet their Person record in SS&E only shows their secondary (personal) email address, the issue here is that the SIS Import process did not import the student's primary edu email address and it is therefore missing from SS&E. Since it is missing in SS&E People Administration, the LMS data sync cannot find a person match in SS&E to sync the current term LMS enrollment data with. It is to be expected that ALL of the student's current term grades will be missing from SS&E until this issue is resolved. 
        1. To resolve this issue quickly, use the student record Person Override menu in People Administration to enter the students primary (edu) email address. As soon as this is saved on the student's person record, the LMS data should soon sync correctly. By default, LMS Enrollment Data syncs every hour so this should update at the most within an hour.
        2. To figure out why the SIS Import process did not import the students primary email address, use the following SIS Integration Troubleshooting Guide found here.

If a DUPLICATE Person record is identified, in order to resolve this issue:

  1. In People Administration, select the "wrong/duplicate/bad" person record.
  2. On the wrong person record, select the Override menu.
  3. On the emailAddress override field, enter a different email address or a fake email/blank space to remove the duplicate email address associated with the wrong person record in SS&E. 
  4. On the LmsId override field, enter a blank space to remove the LMS Id from being associated with the wrong person in SS&E.
  5. Save these changes.
  6. Once saved, all fields with an Override value will turn gray.
    • When an Override field is both empty and shaded in gray, this indicates that there is an override value that is a blank space(s).
  7. Next time the LMS syncs, verify that the LMS Person Id gets associated with the correct student and that the LMS data displays on the correct student's Courses tab.
    • By default, LMS Enrollment Data syncs every hour so this should update at the most within an hour.
    • For more information about LMS Data Synchronization, click here.

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