D2L Brightspace

  • Brightspace Data Integration

    The data integration with Brightspace allows the CES Administrator to search for and select desired Brightspace courses to be imported in Course Evaluations & Surveys projects, and then transfers the necessary course, student, and instructor information for those courses. Additionally, once configured, you can use the Enrollment Refresh feature to automatically r...

  • Brightspace User Integration

    The Course Evaluations & Surveys My Surveys Widget for Brightspace has several components which allow you to: Display an LTI link to users that will take them directly into their Course Evaluations & Surveys account. Display the list of active surveys a student has to take, which also contain single sign on links directly to the survey for each course. Enable ...

  • Brightspace Course Import and Search Techniques

    This feature allows the CES Administrator to select and import courses as well as student and instructor enrollments directly into your Course Evaluations & Surveys course evaluation projects. Course and Enrollment Import NOTE The Data Integration needs to be configured before you can import courses and enrollments from Brightspace into Course Evaluations & Sur...

  • Brightspace Enrollment Refresh

    Once student and/or instructor enrollments have been imported from Brightspace into Course Evaluations & Surveys, the Enrollment Refresh can be used to add/remove students from the course in Course Evaluations & Surveys that have been added/removed from the course in Brightspace.   Using the Enrollment Refresh for D2L Brightspace NOTE The enrollment refres...

  • Adding a Static LTI 1.3 Link in Brightspace

    If your institution requires the use of LTI 1.3 tools we now offer a LTI 1.3 SSO solution that provides a static link from your LMS to Course Evaluations & Surveys. If your institution is successfully leveraging the current User Integration functionality, ie. dynamic links in your LMS and Survey Notifications, we recommend waiting, if possible, until we have LTI 1.3 fun...

  • Enabling LTI Integration from Brightspace

    The Course Evaluations & Surveys LTI Integration allows you to quickly and easily enable an LTI link that will pass users directly from Brightspace LMS into Course Evaluations & Surveys, without requiring an additional login with username and password. This process requires that the username/login names within Brightspace are the same usernames as you upload in y...