Important: In this video, we note the specific steps and requirements for setting up Mirrored Files with Amazon S3. Please note that our method of configuration has changed. See this article for the most up to date details on how to request a Mirrored Files set up utilizing Amazon S3.
Your users keep track of their activities with Faculty Success. In addition...
Mirrored Files involves creating a secondary file storage location to which we replicate files from Faculty Success immediately after they are stored. You can create a secondary location either on a campus server or with Amazon.
Storing the files on your campus server may take a little more work to put in place and maintain; however, your campus may prefer the files res...
Mirrored Files using Amazon S3 requires that your institution purchase storage space from Amazon. To purchase storage space from Amazon, visit
Important: Faculty Success does not provide, is not responsible for, and makes no assurances regarding the products or services offered by Amazon. Faculty Success privacy policies do no...
On-campus file storage requires that your campus configure its firewall so it allows requests:
Via port 443, 444, 4443 or 8443
From the following Faculty Success IP addresses:
To a server that:
Runs WebDAV over SSL
Note: WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioni...
Recommended Space Allocation
As a general rule of thumb, a typical unit (50-100 FTE) that stores Word, PDF, and PowerPoint files may need approximately 2-3 gigabytes of dedicated space per year. Audio, video, and image files may require more storage space. If in doubt, we'd recommend considering more space than initially needed up front.
Does Faculty Success have a way ...
For default settings, please refer to the Store File Fields article.
Links in Export Data Reports
Unfortunately, file links displayed in ad hoc CSV and XML file format reports cannot point to a WebDAV or Amazon S3 storage location. If file links are required, the report may be built as a full-service report as described in the section below.
Links in Custom Reports