Retrieving Files when Mirrored Files is in Place

For default settings, please refer to the Store File Fields article. 

Links in Export Data Reports

Unfortunately, file links displayed in ad hoc CSV and XML file format reports cannot point to a WebDAV or Amazon S3 storage location. If file links are required, the report may be built as a full-service report as described in the section below.

Links in Custom Reports

File links in custom reports can be configured to point to the your WebDAV or Amazon storage space. If this is the case, access to the files will be governed by the settings of that file storage location, not Faculty Success security roles.

This is a good way to make certain files publicly accessible through custom reports. The WebDAV or Amazon S3 space can be configured to have public read access, and the custom report can be updated to point to retrieve files from that location.

Links on Websites

In order to include links to stored files in a faculty directory, you will need to have either WebDAV or Amazon S3 file storage in place. Furthermore, in order to ensure that all visitors to the website can view these files, you will need to set up the WebDAV or Amazon S3 space to have public read access. At minimum, the computer where the Web Services application is running needs public read access to the WebDAV server or Amazon S3 space.

To display a link to the a file stored on the client's WebDAV server/in the Amazon space, you will need to append the path to the directory in which the file is stored on the WebDAV server/in the Amazon space to the content of the file upload field extracted in the XML.

To display the actual file in a faculty directory, the Web Services application needs to

  1. Extract the path to the stored file from the file storage field in Faculty Success.
  2. Append that to the path to the directory on the server/Amazon account.
  3. Use that path to extract the file.
  4. Display that file directly on the website. 

As noted above, it will not be possible to display a link to a stored file using web services and use DM security to regulate access to the file.

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