To assess a student submission:
1. From the In Progress screen, click on the title of the course that contains the activity you would like to assess
2. Click on the title of the activity
3. Click on the name of the student you would like to assessNOTE: If the student is still in the Awaiting Submission status you will not be able to submit an assessment. If the stud...
To Undo a completed assessment: 1. On the activity details page, click on the assessment in the Done column that needs to be undone 2. Click the Undo buttonTo request that a student resubmit to an activity:1. On the assessment page, add any comments, feedback, and rubric scoring that should be included as part of the record2. Click the Request Revision button
Force Submit
Instructors can move student submissions forward in the assessment process without requiring students to submit by using the Force Submit tool. The Force Submit tool will move all selected submissions into the Awaiting Assessment column at one time. To Force Submit one or more student submissions:
Navigate to your course and click on the title of the activ...
The Bulk Assessment feature grants instructors the capability to assign the same scores, assessment feedback, and rubric comments to multiple students simultaneously within specific activities, including Observational Assessments, Assisted Assessment, and Standard Assessment workflows.
To access the Bulk Assessment feature:
1. Click on a course on the In Progress page...
The Document Viewer feature allows a student's uploaded document to be viewed within SL&L. Assessors also have the ability to embed comments within a document.
Document Viewer File TypesBelow is a list of file types supported by the document viewer.
Documents: doc, docx, odt, txt, rtf, pdf
Spreadsheets: xls, xlsx, ods, pdf
Presentations: ppt, pptx, odp, pdf
Photos (i...
Instructors can run a report from within an activity. This report will show all assessments that have been completed within the activity, and will show rubric scoring by individual assessee, or by aggregated scores.To run an activity assessment report: 1. Log in as an instructor 2. Navigate to the activity details page of the assessed activity. 3. Click the...
The Scores TabOn the section details screen, the Scores tab allows instructors to view scoring information for any activities in which scoring was included as part of the assessment. Scoring information is presented in a table showing students, any activities that have been scored, and a total score for each student across all score activities.
NOTE: For scores to be ...