Bulk Assessment of Student Submissions

The Bulk Assessment feature grants instructors the capability to assign the same scores, assessment feedback, and rubric comments to multiple students simultaneously within specific activities, including Observational Assessments, Assisted Assessment, and Standard Assessment workflows.


To access the Bulk Assessment feature:

1. Click on a course on the In Progress page

2. Click on an Activity

3. Click the BULK ACTIONS dropdown

4. Select Student Assessment



The bulk assessment area will include a list of students awaiting assessments, as well as the activity template used. Any students who have saved assessments will have the date, time, and user who last updated the assessment listed below the students name. Including these students in your bulk assessment will override any saved scores or feedback.


5. Select the students that you would like to include in the bulk assessment


The Student Submissions list will include the students name and either their submission date/time or the date/time and name of the faculty who last updated their assessment. Selecting students with saved assessments in your bulk assessment will override any saved scores or feedback. In bulk assessment mode, any scores recorded in the activity template or the Assessment Panel will be applied to all students selected.


6. To complete the assessment, click Bulk Submit. If any of the students selected have saved assessments, you will be prompted to confirm if you would like the bulk assessment scores and comments to override the saved assessment.

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