Below is a list of file types supported by the document viewer.
- Documents: doc, docx, odt, txt, rtf, pdf
- Spreadsheets: xls, xlsx, ods, pdf
- Presentations: ppt, pptx, odp, pdf
- Photos (images): jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff, png, bmp
- Movies: mov, avi, mp4, wmv
- Audio: mp3, wav, wma
Attaching Files in a Template
To view a file using the document viewer, the file must be included in the template by attaching it using either the attachment component or the rich component. The document viewer feature is automatically enables for any file(s) attached using these components.
The document viewer status box
When attaching a file to a component for which the document viewer is enabled, the document viewer status box will appear. The status box shows the file's upload progress, and provides two additional buttons. The trashcan button removes the file from the template. The download button downloads and saves a copy of the file.
NOTE: It is NOT necessary to wait for the file to upload before submitting.
Viewing and Assessing Attachments
When assessing a template that has a supported file attached, the document viewer will open the document within SL&L. The file can be evaluated, and the assessment can be made using assessment tools such as a rubric, scoring, etc. To view the attached file, click the view button, for the attachment. Alternatively, click the download button to save a copy of the file for offline or editing.
After clicking the view button, the document will open in app for evaluation, when finished viewing the document, click the X button to return to the template.