Collecting Results

  • Send Emails & Collect Scores from Faculty

    After a measure has been added to an outcome, there are multiple options for evaluating the measure. One way is by emailing faculty and collecting scores.    Under the Results section, click "I want to send emails and collect scores from faculty" to proceed with this option.   Select how the results should be displayed. The options are: Average Scores Categories that ...

  • Emailing Faculty for LMS Results Based on Course Section

    Leads have the ability to email faculty so they can add results from the Learning Management System. This is only available for Canvas and Blackboard users.   Once an assigned faculty member enters their results, leads and administrators can obtain these results from faculty members without having to ask them to log into an account.    In order to take advantage of this...

  • Entering Scores (Faculty View)

    If faculty members are asked to provide scores for their course/course sections, they can click into the link from the email they received to enter the scores.   The email will look like the example below:   After clicking the link, the assessment score fields for the measure will be displayed on the screen. Faculty have the option to enter scores and Save Scores, or S...

  • Entering LMS Results (Faculty View)

    When LMS results are requested from a faculty member, they will receive an email with instructions to enter their results. This will include the relevant measure results and the due date if one was chosen.   When the faculty clicks the Input Results button, they are redirected to a new tab that is an independent page. NOTE: this page opens without having to log into a W...

  • Upload Assessment Results

    After a measure has been added to an outcome, the option to upload assessment results is available to the assessment lead or administrator.    To use this option, click "I want to upload the assessment results files."      On the next screen, the option to upload files will be available, along with the ability to add a summary.       After uploading files and/or addi...

  • Enter Overall Counts for Measures

    Another option for adding results to a measure is the option to manually enter the count of students that met or did not meet the criteria.    To proceed with this option, click "I want to enter the count of students who meet/do not meet the criteria."     Enter the counts for each criteria. If there aren't counts for a specific criteria, you can leave the box blank.  ...

  • Collect Results from Another System

    In Planning and Self-Study, the option to collect results from other systems is available. Collecting results can come from an LMS or another Watermark product.   When adding results to a measure, click Collect Results from another system to use this method.   Once this selection is made, there will be two options available. The results can be collected by sending a re...

  • Utilizing Canvas to Import Assessment Results

    Courses Once the integration has been set up, users in P&SS are able to align results in a measure.   Users can select a course. These courses are the ones that the user has access to in their Canvas account (the credentials used for authorization). Only one course can be selected. IF you are a P&SS admin with an associated Canvas admin role, you are able to select ...

  • Reports & Exports

    This article will explain report and export options found in each module.    Organization Management The Organization Management module contains interactive charts. To access the charts, click on the Institution under Organization Management. On this screen, the Insights tab and a series of charts will appear below. Clicking on the charts will allow you to see more info...