When creating a new survey, you can choose the type of survey based on how the survey will be used in your project.
Survey Types
The following survey types are available:
Course Main Survey: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be the Main Survey in a course-evaluation project. All respondents in the course-evaluation project will be presented with the questions in the Main Survey.
Course Targeted: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be added to specific courses or areas as a Targeted Survey in a course-evaluation project. Respondents in those courses or areas would be presented with the questions in a Targeted Survey in addition to the questions in the Main Survey.
Item Bank: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be a bank of questions for Instructors or Administrators to select from when using the Custom Questions feature.
Learning Outcomes Item Bank: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be a bank of learning outcome questions for Instructors to select from when using the Custom Questions feature.
General Survey: Choose this type for a survey that is intended to be the Main Survey in a general survey project. All respondents in the general survey project will be presented with the questions in the Main Survey.
The following survey types are not stand-alone surveys but are used to create metadata filters for courses, instructors, or respondents
Metadata Course: Select this type to create metadata filters based on course.
Metadata Instructor: Select this type to create metadata filters based on instructor.
Metadata Respondent: Select this type to create metadata filters based on respondent.