How to Move a Question from One Position to Another on a Survey
Watermark Support
When working on a survey, you may need to rearrange questions for better flow or organization. Follow these steps to move a question to a new position:
Find the question you want to move on your survey.
Determine how many positions the question needs to move. Then enter the number of positions it needs to move by in the box that contains the placeholder text of "#."
Example: If the question is in position 2 and needs to move to position 7, enter 5 in the box (the difference between 7 and 2).
Click the appropriate arrow to adjust the question's position:
Use the up arrow to move the question higher in the list.
Use the down arrow to move the question lower in the list.
Using the same example in step 2, to move a question from position 2 to position 7, click the down arrow after entering 5 in the box.
Verify the question is now in its new position.
The steps outlined in this article ensure your survey questions are organized exactly how you need them.