FEM Placement Coordinator Role Guide

FEM Placement Coordinators Tasks
The Placement Coordinator is the second of the two administrative users in the Field Experience Management module. This role is ideal for those who work in the institution’s field placement office, review applications from students prior to a field experience placement, and monitor students remotely to ensure that they are completing their required hours and assessments. The Placement Coordinator is also able to create a single, final assessment for a Placement called the Document of Record. This is typically done at the end of the placement to reconcile discrepancies between the other assessments performed during the placement.

The primary tasks performed of the Placement Coordinator role include:
  • Selecting the assessments that will be used in a field experience
  • Creating Internships - the activities and assessments common to all students in a particular required course
  • Assigning students to Placements - the unique assignment of a site, Mentor, grade, and subject that each student in an internship receives
  • Monitoring ongoing placements
  • Completing the Document of Record
  • Generating reports on field experience activities

Assessment Documents
Adding Assessment Documents to FEM is a critical step in the setup and can only be performed by the Placement Coordinator. Assessment Documents are LiveText Documents that contain one or more rubrics.
Because assessment documents can only be added to FEM by a Placement Coordinator, those documents must reside in the Placement Coordinator’s LiveText Docs. If the Placement Coordinator created the document(s), they are stored in LiveText Docs by default. If the Assessment Document(s) were created by another user, the documents can be shared with the Placement Coordinator account, and will then be available to add to FEM (To learn more about sharing LiveText Documents please click here).
The Placement Coordinator will need to create or have been given access to the identified Assessment Documents prior to creating Internships.

The Placement Coordinator can use the Labels tool to help organize their inventory of Assessment Documents in their LiveText account.

Before an intern can be assigned to a specific placement or be aligned to a mentor or supervisor, an internship must be created. The function of the internship is to associate a single course and student roster with field experience activities. Additionally, an internship allows a Placement Coordinator to include settings and assessment documents that will be common to all interns taking part in the internship.

The Internships Tab
The Internships Tab lists all internships, and provides search tools to locate a specific internship in the list. Additionally, the Internships Tab allows the creation of new internships.

To create a new internship:

  1. From the Internships Tab, click the Create new internship button.
  2. Type in a name and instructions (optional) for the internship. The name will identify the internship for Interns, Mentors, and Supervisors.
  3. Select Term, College, and Department from the dropdown menus. Doing so will populate the course section list where you will be able to choose a course section.
  4. Select the desired course and section from the Course-Section dropdown menu.

NOTE: If the course you are looking for does not appear in the dropdown menu, please check your course catalog. The course may be listed under a different College and/or Department, or it may have been imported without College and/or Department values.

NOTE: The selection of the course section associated with the internship will also bring in the roster for that course section. All registered LiveText users enrolled in the course section will become available for placement within this internship, and will optionally be prompted to complete Placement Requests.

  1. Type in the number of hours that the intern is expected to spend in the Placement into the Required Hours field (optional). The intern can use the Time Log to record hours.
  2. Type a Completion Date (required) for the internship. This is the date by which all students are expected to complete their placements.
  3. Type a Minimum GPA for the student to participate in the internship (optional).
  4. Choose whether interns should complete a Placement Request form with the Allow Student to Create Placement Request field. If interns will be permitted to complete a Placement Request before they can be placed, select Yes. If Interns will simply be assigned to a placement or if you will maintain a separate application process outside of LiveText, then select No.
  5. From the Time Log Categories list, click on any categories that should be available in the internship.
  6. Add Assessment Document(s). (See below)

To add assessment rubrics to an internship:

  1. To add assessment documents, click the Insert Internship Assessments button. At least one assessment document is required.

NOTE: Multiple assessment documents may be added to an internship. By default, all interns in the internship will assess or be assessed using all document rubric(s) included in the internship. However, individual placement settings can be made later.

  1. Check the box next to any Assessment Document(s) that need to be added to the Internship, and click the Attach button.
    1. The Placement Coordinator can use the View Label drop down menu to view or search for Assessment Documents that are contained in different Labels in their LiveText Account.

NOTE: All rubrics contained in the selected Assessment Documents will be added to the Internship.

  1. For each included assessment, check the box next to the role(s) that will be assigned the completion of the contained rubrics.
  2. Using the dropdown menus, choose if/when the other roles will see the completed assessment rubric(s).
  3. Choose a Due Date for the assessment.
  4. When finished, click the Save button.

Note: Saving the internship will cause the Field Experience tab to appear in the accounts of all students on the roster of the course section identified in Step 2.

Editing an existing internship
To edit an existing internship, navigate to the Internships Tab, and click on the title of the internship to be edited. Make any necessary changes, and click Save.

NOTE: Any changes made to an existing internship will not be seen in existing placements that were created in that internship. If you need to make changes to existing placements, please see the Editing and Managing Placements section below

Placement Status
When an internship has been created, colored icons appear on the Internships Tab. These numbers represent the number of students with each placement status. The status indicators include:

Red: The student has not submitted a Placement Request and the Placement Coordinator has not placed the student.
Yellow: The student has submitted a Placement Request OR the Placement Coordinator has started searching for a placement for the student.
Green: The student has been assigned to a Placement for this internship.

Once an internship has been created, individual interns in the internship are assigned to a specific placement, and given a mentor and/or supervisor. Each intern’s placement will inherit the settings made when creating the internship, but may also have unique settings implemented.

Assigning interns to placements
There are two methods of assigning interns to placements: placing interns on an individual basis (Option 1), or placing all students in an internship at one time using a batch import (Option 2). Both options can be accessed through the Placements Tab.

The Placements tab
The Placements tab offers three primary functions. First, it displays all current intern placements under the Student Placement section, and provides search tools to easily locate a specific intern placement. Second, the New Placement Request section of the Placements tab lists all interns who have yet to be assigned a placement, and allows the assignment of interns to placements. Third, The Placements Tab’s Import Placement section allows batch importing of the placement details of several interns at once.

Option 1: Individual placements

To assign interns to placements individually:
  1. Click the Placements Tab.
  2. Click the New Placement Request section.
  3. Click view detail next to the desired course-section.
  4. Click the Create Placement button next to the intern to be assigned a placement.
  5. The Placement Request form for the selected intern will be displayed. Review the information provided by the intern.

NOTE: The form will be blank if the intern was not required to complete it, as defined in the internship settings.

  1. Optionally, an intern’s past placement history can be viewed by clicking the View Past Placement button.
  2. Click the Find Placement button to continue.
  3. The Search Placements screen will list all the available placements. Locate the placement to which the intern will be assigned and click the corresponding Place button.

NOTE: If this page is empty, or if none of the placements listed on the page are appropriate for the Intern you are attempting to place, then additional Placements need to be added by the FEM Admin.

  1. On the placement details screen, choose a Grade and Subject for the intern’s placement.
  2. Type a Minimum GPA for the student to participate in the placement (optional).
  3. Type in the number of hours that the intern is expected to spend in the Placement into the Required Hours field (optional). The intern can use the Time Log to record hours.
  4. Select a start date in the Placement Start Date field.
  5. Select an end date in the Placement End Date field.
  6. If the placement will be paid, type an amount into the Remuneration($) field, and choose how often payment will occur from the the Per dropdown menu.
  1. From Select Mentor(s) box, click on the mentor(s) that will be part of the placement.

NOTE: Only mentors associated with the selected site will appear in this list.

  1. From the Select Supervisor(s) box, click on the supervisor(s) that will be part of the the placement.
  1. In the Assessments section, those assessments included when creating the internship will be shown. If necessary, change the assignment or visibility of the rubric for the individual
  2. Intern-specific assessments can be added by clicking the Insert Assessments button. placement.
  3. When finished making settings, click the Save button.

The final step in the placement process is to notify the Intern, Mentor, and Supervisor about this placement. A window will appear which contains a message that will be sent via email to all members of the placement. The first portion of the message includes the details of the placement, such as the site, grade level, and subject of the placement. The second portion can be customized with any additional information the placement coordinator wishes to provide.


NOTE: The customized portion of this email notification can include hyperlinks to LiveText Documents, LiveText Forms, or other web addresses. Placing links to resources in the customized portion of the message can serve to notify Mentors of pre-placement activities, such as reading documentation or taking a survey.

Option 2: Importing placements

To Import placements:
  1. In the Internships Tab, click the check box next to the internship(s) for which a batch import will be made.
  2. Scroll up to the top of the list, and click the more dropdown menu.
  3. Select Download for Placement Import.
  1. A spreadsheet of the placements within this internship will download. This spreadsheet will open with several field pre-populated. Populate the remaining fields with each intern’s placement details.

NOTE: Required fields are: site name, subjects, and grades. Optional fields include: email addresses of the Supervisors and Mentors who will be a part of these placements, a start and end date for the placements, required hours, minimum GPA, remuneration amount, and remuneration interval.

NOTE: By default, a placement can only be edited by the placement coordinator that created it. If other placement coordinators will need to be able to edit a placement, please enter their email addresses in the ADDITIONALPCEMAILS field (optional)

IMPORTANT: If a Supervisor, mentor, and/or additional Placement Coordinator will be included, the email address MUST match exactly the email address associated with their account.

  1. Save the spreadsheet.
  2. From the Placements Tab, select Import Placement.
  3. Click the Choose a File button.
  4. Browse to the saved import spreadsheet, and click Open. The upload will be finished when “Completed” is displayed.
  5. To check the spreadsheet for errors, click the Validate Placements button. If any errors are listed, go back to the spreadsheet and make the necessary corrections. Then upload and Validate the edited spreadsheet again.
  6. When there are no errors, click the Commit Placements button.
  1. From the Placements Tab, select Pending Placements from Importer.
  1. Confirm or delete each placement(s).
  2. If you choose to confirm the placement, the placement details screen allows editing any the details of the placement.
  3. Once all details of the placement are correct, click the Save button at the bottom of the page and the placement will be saved and active.

NOTE: When the placement is saved, an email will be sent to all members of the placement informing them of their assignment to a Field Experience placement.

Editing and Managing Placements
The Placements Tab lists all current placements. Placement Coordinators can edit or manage individual placements by clicking the appropriate button.

Edit Placement: This allows for changes to be made (e.g. adding/removing Mentors and Supervisors, due dates for assessments, adding/removing assessments, visibility rules for assessments, and the end date of the placement).

Manage Placement: This gives the Placement Coordinator continuous, view-only access to all activities of the Supervisors, Mentors, and Intern. While the placement is in progress, these three roles have a shared workspace, which will be described in detail in the Supervisor, Mentor, and Intern sections of this manual. Throughout the placement, the Placement Coordinator can access this workspace to monitor whether assessments and other required activities are being completed.

From the Manage Placement page, the Placement Coordinator also has the option to create a Document of Record for the placement. The Document of Record is an optional assessment entered by the Placement Coordinator to reconcile any discrepancies between assessments performed by the Mentor, Supervisor, and Intern.

Withdrawing a Placement
If an Intern needs to be removed from a placement or site after they have already been placed, the Intern can be withdrawn from the placement. The Placement Coordinator will then be able to place the student in a new placement.

To withdraw a placement:

  1. Click Manage Placement.
  2. Click the Withdraw from Placement button.
  3. A notification message will appear, indicating whether or not a record of the withdrawn placement will be kept. The withdrawn placement will only be permanently deleted if all of the following conditions are met:
    1. No time log entries have been made by the Intern.
    2. No assessments have been started by any member of the placement team.
    3. No classroom demographic data has been entered by the Mentor.
  4. An email message will be sent to the placement team notifying them that this placement has been withdrawn. As with the message that was sent when the Intern was first placed, this notification includes a section that can be customized by the Placement Coordinator.
  1. If desired, the intern may now be assigned a new placement. Steps to assign an intern can be found in the To assign interns to placements manually section.

Email Notifications
The application does contain several automated email notifications that we will be sent out at after specific actions have been completed and or when explicit events are approaching. The email notifications cannot be managed or disabled by the institution or LiveText. Below is the complete list of the email notifications within FEM.

1). Email notification sent when the placement is created (Sent to all team members)
2). Email notification sent when the placement is withdrawn (Sent to all team members)
3). Email notification sent when anyone completes an assessment (Sent to all team members)
4). Email notification sent seven days prior to the assessment due date (Sent to all team members)
5). Email notification sent when a pre-approved Time Log entry is edited (Sent to all team members)

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