✔️ Under "Work on a Program," you should see your submission program(s) listed. Directions for attaching and submitting your work are here:
✔️If you do not see your program listed, click here for information:
Course not listed/ Program Enrollment
✔️Taskstream tools for creating web pages, lessons, units, and rubrics can be found on the top navigation bar. If you do not see the Lessons, Units, & Rubrics link, click here for how to add it: My Account: Adding Access to Lessons, Units, & Rubrics
✔️Click Help on the top right to access how-to articles and to get in touch with the Watermark Support Team
✔️To log out click the dotted menu icon in the top right corner
Editing the List of Programs on Your Home Page
1. Click Customize Display to the right of the Work on a program heading
2. You will see a list of your programs. Click Hide to remove it from the list of programs that show on your home page.
After you click the Hide button, a warning message will pop up indicating that if you hide this program it will be removed from the list of programs for any role you may have been given (Author (Student), Reviewer, Evaluator, etc.).
3. Click OK to proceed hiding the program you have selected.
To make the programs appear back on the home page, go back to Customize Display and click Show.